I am Amver video project

Since the IMO declared 2010 the Year of the Seafarer we thought we could expand on that campaign and put together an Amver video. Amver would not be a success without the work and dedication of mariners and rescue controllers. The other part of Amver are the survivors. All of these pieces make the AmverRead… Read more »

Navigating the Social Media Landscape

“Social Media” is a squishy topic to a lot of people, and particularly to decision makers within many organizations. The gurus seem to know what they are talking about — mostly — but even the concept of “social media expert” is riddled with fallacy. The problem, as I see it, is that social media hasRead… Read more »

BLS responds to stories about federal pay

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has weighed in on the recent USA Today article that said federal employees, on average, earn more than their private sector counterparts in more than eight out of ten occupations. In looking at the USA Today claims, BLS concluded that most of the data cited in the article comes fromRead… Read more »

Great Ideas to Build Momentum for Next Year’s CFC

Here are some lessons learned from this year’s record-breaking Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) to advance your planning for the 2010 CFCNCA: 1. Schedule a post-campaign debrief with your department and agency leaders. Learn what sparks their enthusiasm. Take the opportunity to tell them how much their efforts affect the successRead… Read more »

Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge?

http://www.nagconline.org/ orginally published by NAGC Newsletter, February 2010Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge?Author: Andrea Schneider Social Media is an Open System. Thriving social media sites are interactive, ever evolving, receptive to change, build relationships, share information, and rely on constant communication. They are community building, dependent on participation, and highly collaborativeRead… Read more »

2 Quick Arguments for Workplace Social Media

“The Real Challenge of Web 2.0” by Mark Oehlert makes 2 simple, awesome points about workplace social media. “The reason these objections [Fear, Control and Trust of social media] are a collective red herring is that social media actually do not create any of these as new vulnerabilities. If employees have e-mail and phones orRead… Read more »

Join in for Earth Hour March 27.

I would like to encourage everyone to participate in Earth Hour 2010. The movement symbolizes people working together to make a positive impact to protect our future and that of future generations. Visit www.earthhour.org to sign up and get posters or other ideas to get others involved. It is a great event and requires littleRead… Read more »

How to Find / Hire Federal IT Sales Person

Can anyone point me in the right direction for hiring an IT salesperson for Federal market. I need someone in the DC area that has experience with IT sales, specifically Cabling Installation, Low Voltage, Data Center buildout, Security Systems. Help if you can point me in right direction.