Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Threats against IRS workers continue

Happy Wednesday! Threats against Internal Revenue Service workers and facilities continue to pour in following last month’s plane crash at agency offices in Austin. IRS watchdogs are investigating more than 70 reported instances of inappropriate comments made to agency workers by taxpayers, union officials said earlier this week. Despite earlier reports suggesting it was 70Read… Read more »

Australian Taxation Office on Twitter

News from OZ I have often drawn attention to the fact that Australian Public Service agencies seem reticent about social media and Gov 2.0 Lead agencies are crucial to setting an example to other Agencies and it is excellent to observe that the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is doing just that. The ATO has recentlyRead… Read more »

there are no new ideas

Having just joined govloop this past week, I have been thinking about what I would share here. Today, after a meeting with Bowen Moran (@bxmx) and my colleague Devin Serink (@dserink), I have a bit more direction. As a short introduction I am a consultant working with the City of Edmonton. I used to workRead… Read more »

Law.gov Upcoming Events [Updated]

[NOTE: These events are being tweeted on Twitter at #lawgov.] Here are upcoming events in connection with the Law.gov legal open government data project: April 28, 2010: Duke Law.gov Workshop, co-sponsored by Duke’s Center for the Study of the Public Domain, and to be held at Duke Law School, Durham, North Carolina [added 11 MarchRead… Read more »

Does Increasing Government Transparency Help or Hurt Professional and Trade Associations?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Does increasing government transparency help or hurt professional and trade associations? Here are two answers: 1. Government Transparency Helps Associations. By making government actions more visible to the public, the need for specialized associations of individuals and organizations is increased because: Groups with specialized knowledge are more able than membersRead… Read more »

Privacy and The Thousand Tiny Knives

In privacy management, it’s the major data breaches that grab the big headlines. In personal brand management, it’s the high profile embarrassments resulting from carelessness, ignorance and poor judgment that capture public attention. Janine Krieber, Nathalie Blanchard, Stephen Fry, Tiger Woods… who’ll be next? Not you, certainly. For most of us, risks to our privacyRead… Read more »

Further adventures in social media. (Aaaargh!)

I spent the morning live-tweeting an appearance before a state Senate committee by Kansas Secretary of Transportation Deb Miller. KDOT has proposed a new 10-year transportation plan for Kansas; Secretary Miller appeared before the Senate Transportation Committee to explain some of the highlights of the proposal. Her testimony continues tomorrow morning. I’ll be tweeting itRead… Read more »