An Approach to Accessibility

As you may have heard last week, Google announced that they have added ‘Auto-Captions’ for all videos on YouTube. Google’s hope is to increase its user base and has chosen to focus its attention on accessibility with hopes that users with certain disabilities will leverage the site and find it useful. The reality is thatRead… Read more »

Researching Digital Government of the 21st Century

A group of researchers from some of the top schools with programs related to digital government got together last month to discuss the role of research in the digital government arena, it’s importance for the future, and how to get it better funded. The get-together was entitled “Information, Technology, and Governance: A Grand Challenges ResearchRead… Read more »

Monopsony and Social Innovation: Predictably Bad Outcomes from Bad Processes

…We need to force innovation into social and educational delivery systems. Innovation means more than just new or larger programs. That can take the form of innovative new policies, technologies that makes existing systems work better, or the introduction of new providers and the competitive dynamic of choice that drives innovation in the marketplace. ReadRead… Read more »

The five core values of public administration

Core values is a broad phrase to describe the standards by which we characterize a person, profession, or organization. Throughout the course of brainstorming and analyzing my professional experience, I have settled on a set of five values that are most important in public administration. In order to achieve success at a personal and organizationalRead… Read more »

Connect and Inform

As naive as it sounds, I really do think the way to be above all the criticism is to do the best work you know to do. Most all of my fellow workers are dedicated public servants who take their jobs seriously. I find the caliber of people in my department to be comparable ifRead… Read more »

Leading Across Boundaries!!

Russ Linden wrote a book a few years back entitled Working Across Boundaries that inspired me to co-found the Interagency Network of Enterprise Assistance Providers (INEAP He has just released a new book that’s got to be the definitive word on leading collaborations. It is fantastic! “Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in aRead… Read more »

Self perpetuating system

Read the job duties listed for various postings under America Job – the Govt. Job Search Report. The text is mind numbing and will likely discourage those with energy, enthusiasm and initiative from pursuing jobs with the federal government. Those who do enter may be quickly worn down by the slow pace of change, admonitionsRead… Read more »