Institutions Versus Collaboration

I watched a great TED talk on youtube by Clay Shirky called “Institutions versus Collaboration.” The link was forwarded to me by Mark Horowitz, who is working to introduce wiki technology at the Millennium Challenge Corporation and wanted to learn about USAID’s experience with Developedia. The Shirky talk is from 2005, but the issues raisedRead… Read more »

How Can Open Government or Web 2.0-Help Small Business and the New Jobs Bill?

A bill to make it easier for small businesses to win federal contracts on Thursday cleared the Senate committee where similar provisions have stalled, and the panel’s leader said she is confident the legislation will become law. The Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee unanimously passed the Small Business Contracting Revitalization Act (S. 2989). TheRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: The government wants to hand out more prizes

Happy Tuesday! Private companies and philanthropic foundations use contests and prizes all the time to solicit new business ideas or product ideas, and now the government wants in on the action. The Obama administration on Monday released new guidance on how federal agencies can use contests and prizes to encourage more participation from federal workersRead… Read more »

Heavenly Answers for Earthly Problems

I’m SO excited to share details about NASA’s newest, coolest, never-been-done-before sustainability initiative, LAUNCH:Water. Accelerating Innovation for a Sustainable Future. We’ve been working on this project for some time — an innovative collaborative process to “launch” ideas, or disruptive green technologies, that address some of this planet’s growing pains. All props to NASA’s Robbie Schingler,Read… Read more »

The Long Tail of Enterprise Content Management

Question: Can we expect a much larger amount of the available content to be consumed or used by at least a few people in the organisations? Shifting focus from bestsellers to niche markets In 2006 the editior-in-chief of Wired magazine Chris Andersson published his book called ”The Long Tail – Why the Future of BusinessRead… Read more »

Colin and Alma Powell take on the high school dropout challenge, and then answer the question, “Why do you serve?”

Former Secretary of State, and retired Army General, Colin Powell and Mrs. Alma Powell hit the airwaves last week discussing their hopes and work to keep more kids in school. They spoke of a challenge and their reasons for taking it on, but as I watched the interview, I couldn’t help but think that weRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal building security back in focus next week

House lawmakers will turn their focus next week to federal building security in the wake of the recent Pentagon shooting and other attacks on federal facilities across the country. The hearing comes as union leaders have suggested that Washington isn’t seriously addressing recent attacks that have killed or injured federal workers. Government Accountability Office investigatorsRead… Read more »

WITH TSA ADMINISTRATOR IN THE WINGS, AFGE RENEWS CALL FOR BARGAINING RIGHTS With TSA Administrator in the Wings, AFGE Renews Call for Bargaining Rights WASHINGTON — According to news reports, President Obama plans to nominate Robert A. Harding to become the TSA administrator. Multiple news sources say that the retired major general will be announced today, ending weeks of speculation about who the White House wouldRead… Read more »

Ben’s Blocks

I think we are in a time of discontinuous change. Stands to reason we should be managing for that. My friend Ben, my longest running client, doesn’t make sales…he creates markets. Over the past fifteen years he has done that several times, usually when forced by collapsing employers. He called the other day and said,Read… Read more »