Rural Economic Developmet Initiatives (REDI) Training Program Comes to Levelland

The High Ground of Texas Education Foundation, in partnership with area Economic Development organizations, is hosting the REDI© 2009-2010 Program. Developed in 1990 and offered numerous time since, this twenty-five hour comprehensive program is designed to give volunteers, board members, city staff, chambers, practitioners, elected officials and other interested individuals, a basic, nuts-and-bolts understanding ofRead… Read more »

Vote for Your Favorite OpenGov Logo

As I read about the buzz around the Missile Defense Agency’s new logo (“…very much like a fusion of the Muslim crescent moon and star and the Obama campaign logo” according to this Washington Post story; more at the Huffington Post), I started thinking about how to best visually represent the Open Government movement. IRead… Read more »

Secure Use of Social Media, California Style

Lost in the shuffle last week when the DoD rolled out their social media policy was another similar rollout by the state of California (PDF here; LA Times Story here). “The more we increase the state’s online presence to enhance communication and transparency, the better we are able to serve Californians,” said Teri Takai, California’sRead… Read more »

Why did DoD call it “Internet-based Capabilities?”

As many of you know, last Friday the DoD released a Directive Type Memo on the “Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-Based Capabilities“. Many may be wondering, “Why not call it the “Social Media” policy or “Web 2.0” or even “SNS” policy? As someone who has spent the better part of the last seven monthsRead… Read more »

Open for Comments – Applications for the 2010 Citizen Service Award

The judges for the Third Annual Citizen Service Award are now reading and scoring the 13 applications we received. Concurrently, the applications are open for peer comment on a blog we created – Visit the blog to learn what other agencies are doing to provide outstanding customer service. Or leave feedback for your peersRead… Read more »

“Go! GovLoop for New Members”…& Old Pros!

Those who’ve been around for a while may have heard my story about coming up to speed on GovLoop and what I learned in the process (an early blog about it here). Seeking help, I reached out to Steve Ressler, who suggested doing a few basic things to get connected. Adriel Hampton, was also supportive.Read… Read more »


DAU has wonderful online courses – they’re the best I’ve taken so far. However, DAU has amazing features that are underused. These tools go beyond the classroom and promote memory retention and post-classroom learning. Awareness of and utilizing these DAU resources will improve your acquisition knowledge. (NOTE: if DAU sites say your or the site’sRead… Read more »

DoD Social Media Policy

Just Released: Official DoD Social Media Policy to “provide access to Internet-based capabilities” So basically, it’s now official that DoD folks can access Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. and establish official presences on these websites. What to expect: CIO: Will provide implementation guidance. After all, there is some tech involved in the proper use ofRead… Read more »