Open Source and Molar Man

I just attended the Southern California Linux Expo (SCALE 8) and saw an eye-popping presentation on an Open Source dental practice management application that was written by a dentist in Inverness, Scotland as a response to ill treatment he’d received at the hands of a proprietary software vendor. Apparently he’d attended a previous conference inRead… Read more »

Government 2.0: How to Get Involved

Harvard and FutureGov research into Frontiers of Service in a Networked World: Complete our survey, tag content HKS20 (#HKS20 on Twitter), leave comments to the blog by Friday 26th February to share your thoughts on the current and future use of technology in public service delivery: Reform is the New Change: Do ItRead… Read more »

How social media helped save our bacon

We have never doubted that the public loves us. With 7 million visitors each year, we know folks love and value Virginia’s state parks. But, knowing they care and rallying support are two different things. More than ten years ago the Virginia Association for Parks was formed to support state and national parks in Virginia.Read… Read more »

Massachusetts State Treasury is getting social

I recently exchanged e-mails with Catherine Gropp who is the Assistant Director of Communications and the Social Media Coordinator at the Office of the Treasury for Massachusetts. Here are some of Catherine’s thoughts on open government (government 2.0) and on th use of collaboration strategies and technologies. Q. What are your thoughts on government 2.0,Read… Read more »

Government Can Learn From Corporate (#ragancoke)

I’m currently at the Ragan Communications Social Media for Communicators conference in Atlanta, GA. So far the presentations are great from Ford, Mark Ragan, CDC, Shel Holtz, Coca-Cola SVP and more. There’s a lot from the commercial world that government can learn from the experiences and trials that private industry has already gone through. ThereRead… Read more »

A Must-Read for Gov 2.0 & Digital Democracy Gurus

I stumbled across a fantastic article in this weekend’s Wall Street Journal that should be a must-read for those in the Gov 2.0 movement as well as anyone that has ever used the “Iranian Election” example when promoting the growing influence and importance of Twitter and other social networks. The Digital Dictatorship, written by GeorgetownRead… Read more »

How I define Transparency: A 2-Phase Process

In the development of a more open and transparent government, there are two phases of transparency that can be measured to get at the overall effectiveness of the open government directive. The first option is to look at I deem is the actual transparency. How this blog defines actual transparency is: the tangible data thatRead… Read more »

NAGW Speaking Proposal Deadline is March 1

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) call for speakers deadline is fast approaching for presenting at the 2010 NAGW National Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, September 22-24. NAGW is seeking presenters who are willing to share knowledge and ideas and present on new technologies and trends that will allow attendees to return to theirRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: How foreign militaries lifted gay bans

Happy Tuesday! As the U.S. military begins a major review of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy banning gay people from openly serving in the military, leaders may want to consult an updated study set for release today that reviews how 25 nations lifted similar bans with relative success. The Palm Center at the UniversityRead… Read more »