The New USAJobs – Great Customer Service!

And the award for Best Customer Service goes to…USAJobs! Finally – a federal agency (the Office of Personnel Management) that really, really listened to its audience and gave us what we want. Plain. Simple. To the point. The new USAJobs website looks like Google. It’s a stripped-down version of its former self (which really wasn’tRead… Read more »

Open Gov Dashboard

With the addition of the Open Gov Dashboard @, it got me thinking. This dashboard is great to tell us where the agencies are in terms of meeting the OGD criteria. What I would like to know (maybe I just haven’t found it), is…what are examples of agencies far exceeding expectations? I would likeRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: For the feds going to work today

Happy Tuesday! And Happy Federal Snow Day 2.0! But many federal employees still have to show up for work today, despite the weather. Need proof? The Post’s David Cho reports that shortly after the federal government announced that it would close for Monday — cue the yelping for joy around Washington — the office ofRead… Read more »


Many IT projects suffer from a lack of clear understanding of how to best motive desired user behavior. People often use terms like “carrots and sticks”, “ensure compliance”, moving people along the “commitment curve”, and “What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)”, but they typically do not understand the fundamental nature of these terms and theirRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal government closed on Tuesday

Here we go again: The federal government will close Tuesday, as the region continues to clean up after the weekend snowstorm and prepares for another round of the white stuff. The decision means non-emergency federal workers will be granted excused absences. Emergency employees are expected to report for work on time, and some employees whoRead… Read more »

FY 2011 Budget on a Wiki?

Does anyone know if the FY 11 budget was worked on a wiki again? I remember reading an article a couple years in the Post about working the budget on a wiki. The wiki I use at work is still facing oppostion 2 years later. Although most get it. I’d like to get a littleRead… Read more »

Is Government a Partner with Private Sector Initiatives for Change?

This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend an un-conference on Social Media, Collaboration and Social Enterprise. It was great to be around my peers from other sectors.The government sector is rarely at this table as a partner. I think this is a problem.There is a convergence of thinking and emerging collective intelligenceRead… Read more »

Transportation Secretary Holds Town Hall Meeting With Port Leaders At National Port Summit in San Diego

Port directors from across the nation talked face-to-face with United States Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on Friday, February 5, 2010, at the San Diego Convention Center. LaHood attended a special town hall morning session of the first-ever National Port Summit. The event was organized by the Department of Transportation and the Maritime Administration (commonly calledRead… Read more »