TSP Talk: The market strength surprises the bears

It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from www.tsptalk.com. I’m not sure why, but I am having problems formatting these blogs lately. The fonts and spacing seems to have a mind of their own. What I see when I enter the text, is not what is showing when I publish it. So, I apologize ifRead… Read more »

The Audacity of Humility: Leading by “All Too Human” Example

Just before the start of a “Stress, Change and Creative Teaming” workshop, I was testing out my microphone. The program was for managers of a global engineering company. Most of the 50 + particpants were ex-military, now contractors working with commands and brigades based at Ft. Hood, TX or presently stationed overseas. As I calledRead… Read more »

Is Open Government Too Digital

Interesting comments by Microsoft’s Mark Drapeau on whether were are talking too much about the digital, and not enough about individuals. Mark attended last week’s Open Government forum (hosted by 1105 Media and Adobe), and had this observation: So, as I listened to Robynn Sturm, the Assistant Deputy CTO of the U.S. for Open Government,Read… Read more »

Who’s Done The Best Job at Open Government?

For all you GovLoop Tweeters out there, we are asking the question, “Who is an exceptional example of Open Government?”, for tomorrow’s State of the Union for Technology forum, hosted by The Atlantic and featuring a keynote by CTO Aneesh Chopra (more info here.) Use hashtag #soutech, and if you are planning on attending, weRead… Read more »


I live in Athol, Massachusetts and I am running for State Representative for the 2nd Franklin District. I am a fiscally responsible Democrat and an Independent thinker. I am 44 years old and started my public service career at the age of 18. I have served on various local boards in my community. I servedRead… Read more »

Working The Back Of The Room

In this LinkedIn, Ning, Social Media reality, succeeding at face to face meetings and group meetings are stillvery important. On Dick’s Sales Model, I put “Events/Design,” which most people think means talking from the front of the room. Even though Julie once introduced me as a “loud and frequent speaker,” I get most of myRead… Read more »

Why I Tweet? Amplifying Messages & Obtaining Results

Disclaimer: The post below was originally sent to a mailing list of people that are less familiar with social media tools, hence the basic explanatory nature of how Twitter works throughout the post. Lately there have been many articles and interviews, mostly from senior leaders, explaining why they use social media tools. Most of thoseRead… Read more »

Navigating the people-side of your support community

Businesses and agencies often realize a need to add support communities, rather internally focused for training and collaboration or externally focused for communicating with customers and potential customers. In all cases it is critical to remember the people in your company that will be impacted by this effort. Before making your business case Understand whichRead… Read more »