Facilitation and bringing the lurkers out of the shadows.

This post was partly prompted by Andrew’s discussion of lurkers here. Next week, the IDeA will be hosting an online conference on online facilitation – Facilitation Now! . ( I’m really pleased to be a contributor on Thursday the 25th in a session on online conferences.) I’m really looking forward to the conference because evenRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Fish and Wildlife Director Sam Hamilton dies unexpectedly

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Sam D. Hamilton died unexpectedly on Saturday during a ski trip in Colorado. Hamilton experienced chest pains during an afternoon run at the Keystone Ski Resort and the local coroner said his death was consistent with an underlying heart-related medical issue, according to local news reports. The 54-year-old wasRead… Read more »

Austin IRS Attack

The attack on our fellow Employees in Austin reinforces once again the importance of recognizing who Federal Employees and Managers are. We are Mothers and Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, Sons and Daughters. We are good neighbors and proud civil servants. We get up every day to go to work to serve our Country and provideRead… Read more »

What is your Favorite Gov’t Widget?

Building on GovLoop’s recent post: What is your favorite Gadget? My question to you is what Gov’t Widgets do you use? Here is a new one from the IRS, very nicely done: http://widgets.clearspring.com/cscallback/urlexchange/4b4e4ccdc98d3da5/facebook.html?x=of.YaJhvmGnPbs8zlG6fbs0_gT7OPcluymzNPpxsnDjIPpwnmGiaOs05yTPPPJ07lWvKaQ

The Commissar Vanishes

Government web sites are public records. They exist to help citizens, not promote executives. They should not be used to advance individual agendas. Yet, frequently, the first act of a new administration is to wipe out evidence of the prior leadership. This is more than just changing the names on the “About Us” page. Articles,Read… Read more »

US Embassy in Uruguay reaches 4.000 fans in Facebook.

Two years after it’s launch, the United States Embassy in Uruguay Facebook page adds its 4.000 fan. This growing community of followers not only keeps up to date with all our embassy activities, but it participate and engage in activities that go beyond the computer limites. From the virtual world to the real world. We’veRead… Read more »

Two More Nails in the Government-wide Portal’s Coffin

Great blog from Andrea DiMaio of Gartner – Why gov’t-wide portals have a bleak future: leaner, more Agile Agency portals can solve the same probs, evolve with the new technology, & make more sense in today’s world of new/social media. Your thoughts? http://blogs.gartner.com/andrea_dimaio/2010/02/19/two-more-nails-in-the-government-portals-coffin/ “Should we stop caring about the user interface, which has been suckingRead… Read more »

I Left My Blackberry at Home

I’m in the car this morning headed for work digging the garage rock channel on Sirius radio (no charge for the plug Sirius) and I realize I left my Blackberry at home. Fudge. Now what? Sort of at the halfway point, you know where turning around is just going to be enough of a detourRead… Read more »