Álvarez Sabucedo et al. on a Knowledge-based platform for eGovernment agents: A Web-based solution using semantic technologies

Luis M. Álvarez Sabucedo of Universidade de Vigo Telematic Engineering Department, and colleagues, have published Knowledge-based platform for eGovernment agents: A Web-based solution using semantic technologies, 37 Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal 3647 (2010). Here is the abstract: Currently eGovernment is clearly gaining momentum in our society. Many solutions and projects are beingRead… Read more »

How To – Accessibility Hack #2: Using Headings to Improve Navigation

This is a crosspost of dotgov.com In his review of New York City’s website, the esteemed web accessibility expert Jim Thatcher docked the site points for not having headings, which assist readers in navigating the content. WebAIM’s Screen Reader User Survey found that headings are the primary mechanism for finding information within a page. ARead… Read more »

Ten Things to Monitor As Agencies Invite Input On Open Government Plans

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog: Ten Things to Monitor As Agencies Invite Input On Open Government Plans Now that a whole lot of agency.gov/open websites are live and many agencies have indeed set up a ”mechanism for the public to […] [p]rovide input on the agency’s Open Government Plan” it’s timeRead… Read more »

Social media = letting others in

“You can’t take advantage of the connectivity, reach and viral nature of the beast without also being willing to connect, reach many people and let others share. It’s like wanting to enjoy the sensation of flying over the water in a boat at high speed but without the engine noise. It’s the “other people” partRead… Read more »

Leadership for Vision, Action and Impact (Gov20 L.A.)

Note: I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. This post references the Harvard Kennedy School’s Government 2.0 Research Survey. If you haven’t takenRead… Read more »

Gov20 L.A. – Agility for better government

I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is necessarily incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. Second Life Founder Cory Ondrejka is the lead-off speaker and riffing on the importance ofRead… Read more »