Attacks on IRS and its employees are all to common

By Ed O’Keefe Attacks on the Internal Revenue Service and its employees similar to Thursday’s small plane crash in Texas are common, according to federal records and investigations. “There is a direct correlation between increased IRS enforcement efforts and the number of threats made against IRS employees,” said J. Russell George, who heads the officeRead… Read more »

The Latest News from The White House from the Open Government TV RSS feed

I’m curious to get feedback on this latest news White House official advises on open-government plans Plans on how to become more transparent should be road maps that identify what agencies want to achieve By Doug Beizer Feb 18, 2010 The open-government plans that agencies must publish by April 7 shouldn’t be used to specifyRead… Read more »

Sole Source is Out, RFP is in. But I’m still annoyed.

For those who are waiting with bated breath, I have an update on the Navy’s requirement “to develop an internal social networking community relevant to service members in a military environment.” I have heard through the grapevine that because two other companies asked to be added to the list of Interested Vendors, the Navy hasRead… Read more »

Browser Compatibility: So Often Overlooked

Everyone knows that developing a government website can be a challenge. One of the most common development concerns is Section 508 compliance. However, while Section 508 compliance is important, it should not be a developer’s only concern when testing a website. One area of web development that I find so often overlooked by government developersRead… Read more »

Keep your agency or biz real with videos

I recently viewed this video from INgage Networks and wanted to highlight it. First, the video: What I like: The company focuses first on delivering great information. It is delivered in an entertaining fashion. Kathy Saenz keeps you engaged throughout the video. Yes, it is a little wacky but it’s done at just the rightRead… Read more »

Progress in Afghanistan Contract Oversight; Measured Optimism

From The Acquisition Corner I recently wrote a piece for contract management improvements in reconstruction and nation-building initiatives. Updates were provided by Senator Claire McCaskill, (D-Mo), who is completing an overseas trip, including Afghanistan, and stated she was encouraged by what she saw in Afghanistan. During the trip, auditors told McCaskill oversight agencies are workingRead… Read more »

The MetaNet

One of my team members at Navstar has written an intriguing post about The Metanet. Please check it out, its worth the read. Comment if you will. Andrea by Rachel Winchester on February 17, 2010 Internet watchers, particularly business types involved in marketing, have been predicting that the Internet will become more tribal and itRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: How will you make up for last week?

As part of The Post’s Federal Worker page, we ask a different question each week of our readers and plan to include the best responses in Friday’s paper. You’ve still got time to participate this week. Here’s the question: Will you work longer hours this week to make up for lost time? Or did youRead… Read more »