What motivates your drive to fight for change?

We are committed to live our life to the fullest including being the best version of ourselves at work, with our families and friends. At the end of the day after you have endured a long day at work fighting for change, what keeps you going? http://ezinearticles.com/?True-Motivation-Comes-From-Within&id=3170443

Favorite books on social media

Calling all social media gurus (self-declared included)! I’m interested in creating a little new/social media library and am interested in hearing your faves. I’m more than happy to share the tallied results with the community. If you no longer read books, I’ll gladly consider other forms of info such as blogs, journals, Web sites, etc.Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Another look at fixing government

Happy Thursday! Just about everyone agrees that the federal government needs fixing, and a liberal think tank friendly with the Obama administration will start tackling that issue later today. The Center for American Progress — a former employer of many administration officials — launches a two-year review of government operations on Thursday morning with aRead… Read more »

You Can’t Separate the ‘Social’ from Social Media

This post originally appeared in Federal Computer Week on Feb. 17, 2010. With all the media coverage of internal, behind-the-firewall social — excuse me, professional — networking platforms, such as NASA’s Spacebook, the Defense Department’s milBook and even my company’s internal tool, one might think we’re in the midst of fundamentally changing the way weRead… Read more »

National Export Initiative: Boon for US Exporters

President Obama’s State of the Union address last month yielded a windfall for those companies who earn their way in foreign trade, and for those federal agencies who support their cause. The goals of our new National Export Initiative include doubling American exports over the next five years and supporting up to two million jobsRead… Read more »

10 Reasons to Attend WIRe Conference 2010

10. This conference set the bar for Enterprise 2.0 for Government in the third year of its existence in 2008. 9. While we are at it, it set the bar for Government 2.0 events as well. 8. The speakers are not the same people you see all the time on the Government circuit. 7. TheRead… Read more »