Upcoming Events

Here are upcoming events in connection with the legal open government data project: February 24, 2010: Roundtable at Yale Law School, for members of the Yale Law School community, with Tom Bruce and Carl Malamud; February 24, 2010: Liberating Legal Information: The Law.Gov Movement: Panel Discussion at New York Law School; February 25, 2010:Read… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 2 of 4

Spending More, Getting Less — The Public System Because of their identity as government programs, societal scepticism about the US government’s ability to manage efficiently, and the relative reduction of power and status allotted to the primary recipients of public health care (the poor and elderly), Medicare and Medicaid are often the target of spendingRead… Read more »

How-To: Not Dress – the 4 B’s

Lady Di speaks up!!! In an earlier blog I discussed the three B’s of dress at work. I stated that organizations did not want employees exposing the three Bs (boobs, belly and butt) at work. While there is no Federal dress code, there are some definite no-nos. Today, I am adding the fourth B whichRead… Read more »

Building Better Blog Posts

Just read a great blog post on “It’s A COBOL World” called “A Customer Visit” by an old friend. “It’s a COBOL World” is about COBOL, the workhorse of business computer processing, and the team of writers on the blog are passionate about getting more out of the code. “A Customer Visit” addressed people’s attitudesRead… Read more »

Google Buzz Has Completely Changed the Game: Here’s How

Google may have finally figured out social media, even if there have been some major slip-ups in the way. The implications of that realization could dramatically change social media as a tool and as an industry. Key quote: When will Google Buzz get bigger than twitter? Answer: It already has.

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Another delayed start

Happy Tuesday! The federal government will slowly ramp back up to full operating status today, but not before enduring another two hour delay and unscheduled leave for those who can’t make it into work. “After three more days of clean up, things should hopefully go better, but repeating Friday[‘s operating status] will also give usRead… Read more »

The Death of SDLC

The basic methodology used to implement many systems today still follows the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which was developed to aide technical development of computer code. Organizations today recognize that SDLC does not adequately address the organizational and human performance challenges that are critical to ensuring IT success. It is time to move beyondRead… Read more »

2011 Budget Shows Evolution of IT Management Thinking By any measure, the 2011 budget request from the Obama administration is big. But when it comes to federal spending on IT in the next fiscal, it’s clear that the days of high single-digit or double-digit growth are over. Spending will be approximately $80 billion, a slight increase over enacted 2010 spending. But theRead… Read more »