Lisa Schlosser: CIO, Cyber Soldier, Data Sharing Maven Soon after returning from a year of active duty as an Army reserve officer, Lisa Schlosser left her job as CIO of the Housing and Urban Affairs Department to join EPA. Now, as Director of the Office of Information Collection, she finds herself at the center of the signature data-use initiative of the ObamaRead… Read more »

Best Practices: U.S. Coast Guard Uses YouTube to Recruit New Guardians

When I first started exploring social media recruiting, I kept asking myself one question. How do you successfully use YouTube (or any video sharing site) to recruit? Well, I think I have found my answer. I recently ran across the Coast Guard’s YouTube recruitment channel. The channel made its debut in March of 2009 andRead… Read more »

Employee Engagement/Organisational Culture Surveys

Has anyone else observed the phenomena of employee engagement/organisational culture surveys being conducted across organisations by Human Resource/Organisational Development/People areas and then the results being cascaded down through the hierarchy? It’s a bit like drip feeding people information and is, well, disengaging. Wouldn’t it be great if the results of these surveys were anonymised byRead… Read more »

I think the dashboard should be measured against ever changing agency missions along with the metrics stated for each milestone of completion. That will provide new direction of focus and possibly a noticed flexibility for each department to lift the bar as Otis stated earlier.

Federal Eye: OPM’s John Berry: President’s Day holiday not cancelled

Monday’s President’s Day federal holiday will not be canceled, Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry said Thursday during a live chat. Berry also said he does not consult President Obama on his decisions to close D.C.-area offices and that easy access to e-mail and the Internet means OPM will have to reconsider itsRead… Read more »

Plain Language Awards

The Center for Plain Language, a 501(c)(3) with headquarters in the DC area, is giving awards for the best plain language documents and websites at a ceremony at the National Press Club on April 29. They’ve just extended their entry deadline to March 1. Entries are free this year. They’ll be giving ClearMark awards inRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Talking telework

Happy Thursday! After four straight snow days, now seems as good a time as any to talk seriously about teleworking options for federal workers. “About one-third of the D.C. area employees at the Office of Personnel Management and the General Services Administration logged on to their agencies’ mainframe computers, probably from their homes,” The Post’sRead… Read more »