TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – Market Rattled

It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from www.tsptalk.com. Despite a good start on Tuesday, the stock market and the TSP stock funds were down sharply last week following concerns that the Obama administration is planning to impose taxes and regulations on banks, which will likely hurt their bottom line. For the week, the stockRead… Read more »

NAGW 2010 National Conference Call for Papers

The National Association of Government Webmasters (NAGW) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2010 NAGW National Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, September 22-24. NAGW is seeking presenters who are willing to share knowledge and ideas and present on new technologies and trends that will allow attendees to return to their offices with fresh ideasRead… Read more »

The Intersect Between Corporate and Government

Taking care of issues of social justice, climate control, poverty, and improving communities can no longer be in the purview of government-only organizations. For profit corporations must deliberately incorporate these issues into daily decision making. The fact is that the government will not be capable of supporting the people on its own and corporations willRead… Read more »

WHAT and HOW We Say It Matters

How and when and where leaders communicate continues to be in the midst of transformation. It seems we’re always on the air in some way. Have you noticed? It is evolving as the whole landscape for leadership changes —involving all of us; stretching across cultures and many dimensions of difference at a breakneck speed. EachRead… Read more »

The 90-9-1 Principle of Social Media

Just posted on OZloop – Is this an issue in the States? What are the implications of The 90 – 9 – 1 Principle for Gov 2.0 and citizen participation? And, indeed, for public servants engaging in robust online discussion. Here is a presentation given by Crispin Butteriss of Bang the Table on this issue.Read… Read more »

World Government Data – Is this the league table? Is there an international dimension?

Data Store – World Government Data Hi When I checked this out by looking at the data posted by country the results were: UK=1,699, U.S = 1042, New Zealand = 245 and Australia = 69. So on the face of it Australia is lagging behind. When I started to look at what is actually providedRead… Read more »

Conference Report: Legal Information Issues at POGW: Princeton Open Government Workshop

The workshop entitled Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency (POGW), held 21-22 January 2010 at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), featured much valuable discussion about legal information. (The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #pogw. An apparently complete collection of tweets from the workshop is available here. My tweets from theRead… Read more »

Participation and Collaboration – Let’s Make It Work

Open government. Public participation and collaboration. Awesome! So let’s make it work. Let’s learn from the mistakes a bunch of us made back in the 90’s when we put up online “discussion” rooms and held online “town halls.” If you want the pay-off – if you want good ideas and positive outcomes – you haveRead… Read more »