PAIRS Study: Relationship Skills Training Prevents Four Out of Five Divorces.

Four in five couples on the brink of divorce achieve significant, lasting improvements from participation in 9 – 12 hours of relationship skills training, according to research published by the non-profit PAIRS Foundation. Seth Eisenberg, PAIRS President and CEO, says the study has important implications for the public and policy makers. “We now know weRead… Read more »

The Dreaded Process Diagram

I had coffee with one of my hero consultants last week. Over a decade ago, I watched him work with a customer, and he was magic. In an hour he gently gave the customer a better understanding of how to operate his business that lasted for years. So now he’s older. Just talking to himRead… Read more »

The Internet is now (officially) in space

Cross posted from Here on Earth, we’ve grown used to having the Internet available almost anytime we want it. As of December 2009, 74% of American adults use the internet. 60% of American adults use broadband connections at home. 55% of American adults connect wirelessly through laptops or handheld devices like smartphones. So, whatRead… Read more »

Step Back from the Brink

A recent PAIRS Foundation research report found that four out of five couples on the brink of divorce can transform their relationships by participating in brief, evidence-based marriage education classes led by qualified instructors. The PAIRS study offers ample cause for distressed couples to step back from the brink of marital breakdown to explore howRead… Read more »

When Social Location Sharing Meets Government Services

[Note: This is a cross post from my blog, the original can be found here.] I had the opportunity to do some thinking about the future of social media and government a month ago in Vancouver with some very smart people. One of the things that came up (mostly due to our geeky familiarity withRead… Read more »

Interview with Sambeth Meas author of The Immortal Seeds: Life Goes on for a Khmer Family

From the National Writing Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry The Immortal Seeds: Life Goes on for a Khmer Family, written by Sambeth Meas is this month’s Book Nook featured interview: Q1. What is your book about? A1. The Vietnam War officially spilled into Cambodia in 1970, giving rise to the Cambodian communist rebels. From 1970Read… Read more »

Sex Offender Registries—Giving Citizens What they Want?

This question will be used as a discussion point for a “Crime and the Media” class at an eastern university. Your opinions are welcomed. Gentlereaders: The study below suggests that sex offender registries are not associated with reduced recidivism (re-arrests or re-convictions). This is not the first study questioning the validity of sex offender registries.Read… Read more »

Rethinking ownership

One of the aspects of social media and collaborative work environments that people have a lot of trouble with is this “sharing” aspect. Many people aren’t comfortable letting others into “their” space, to learn about “their” knowledge. They feel that “their” job might be threatened by someone else. This goes along with our traditional viewpointsRead… Read more »