One Woman’s Wingnut Is Another Man’s Guru

The Alexandria Chamber’s Internet Engagement Forum is a project Joe Shumard and I are leading to see how far we can get Chamber members to take advantage of the Internet. At our meeting yesterday, there was a lot of interest in moving forward…by extending current practices. We had several people who were experienced in emailRead… Read more »

Operation JumpStart VI- A Great Evening even with the Snow!

In its sixth year, “Operation Jump Start VI” event to help the soldiers of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom transition to civilian careers and brings together defense industry executives to supports soldiers and families at Walter Reed Medial Center. The annual event held at the Army Navy Club gathers support for the firstRead… Read more »

Examples of Twitter use by Mecklenburg County

I had a few inquiries about Mecklenburg County’s Twitter use, so thought I’d post examples – @MeckCounty The County Manager recently visited the Thomasboro Community of Shalom seeking feedback on the upcoming county budget: (Ties in with our use of a Mecklenburg YouTube channel.) @meckhealth Save the date. Mecklenburg County Public Health Forum HealthyRead… Read more »


Many IT implementations suffer from poor user adoption because they did not take into account the barriers to user adoption that lie outside the users’ control. If we want to maximize user adoption, we need to take a comprehensive approach to identifying and removing barriers to adoption. Read the full blog post on:

Is social the new dirty word?

I woke up in a cold sweat the other morning, memories of the early 2000s floating in my head. Remember the insanity when everyone wanted to throw the “e-” prefix in front of everything? Good thing we all learned from that lesson. Social strategies and tools are adding, and will continue to add, real valueRead… Read more »