Benlamri et al. on Secure Human Face Authentication for Mobile E-government Transactions

Professor Rachid Benlamri of the Lakehead University Department of Software Engineering, and colleagues, have published Secure Human Face Authentication for Mobile E-government Transactions, 8 International Journal of Mobile Communications 71 (2010). Here is the abstract: This paper describes a joint biometric-cryptographic authentication system for mobile e-government transactions. The system can be used to verify, prove,Read… Read more »

Turning NASTY grease into fuel

The San Francisco Public Utility Commission is licensing technology from a Philadelphia firm that takes the nasty sewer grease and grease from restaurant grease traps and turns it into diesel fuel.

Great Article on Geo-thermal applications for municipal government

The article talks about geo-thermal being a demand side, or energy reduction technology, compared to solar and wind, which are supply side or generators of electricity, adding power. The DOD is already using this and it is applicable for any building, but municipal buildings in particular.

Considered a Job or Career Change? A quick survey

Which if any of the following pictures do you identify with as far as providing you the motivation to make the change? What was the incident which sparked the idea? Is this a past or present job? Thanks in advance for sharing your stories!! 1. Don’t jump 2. Butt kisser (imagine seeing this as youRead… Read more »

Avatars, Agents, Web Automation

Two weeks ago, Motorcycle Dan the blogger explained that he is waiting for an avatar to handle his email, scour the web for things that interest him, figure out who to let through on his phone, handle the administrivia of his life. As I listened, I realized I had most of those functions in Gmail,Read… Read more »