Great Article on GASB 45 Rule

For municipalities with less than 100 employees, there is a low cost and reliable solution to remain compliant with GASB Rule 45. Check out GABS Help and related article below.

Can you stop by Afghanistan on your way out?

To anyone who has ever served in the military, changes to plans are as commonplace as breathing. We even have a type of order for that helps us handle sudden shifts in direction. FRAGOs (fragmentary orders) are used throughout the military planning process, but usually end up as the “oh crap!” type of order thatRead… Read more »

Help thy neighbor on the road..tell him when there is free wifi signals around

This one is for all the transport nerds and the War chalking/war driving geeks. Article courtesy of Here’s a neat Instructable for significantly increasing the geek factor in your car’s rear windshield, showing how to modify a Wi-Fi-detecting t-shirt into a Wi-Fi-detecting bumper sticker. At some point in some traffic jam, you’ll makeRead… Read more »

The importance of conference rapport

I have, to date, spoken at some two dozen seminars, conferences, panels or other public events where the audience is not my coworkers. Not bragging, just saying that I’ve been to a few. Enough, I hope, to give an observation without having the more seasoned public speakers of the world laugh too hard. I knowRead… Read more »

The Gospel of Gov 2.0

Leading government into the land of wikis, blogs and social media isn’t easy….an article by Jill R. Aitoro that recently appeared in the October issue of Government Executive is right on target. In the face of the staggering statistics on the number of people on the web and the incredible potential to “crowd-source” ideas (insteadRead… Read more »