5 Days and $5 Million to Go!

There are only 5 business days left for the 2009 CFCNCA and $5 million to go towards the $64 million goal, which is higher this year because the needs are greater than ever. There is still time to help those who need it the most. The CFCNCA supports more than 4,000 approved local, national andRead… Read more »

Rethinking Quality of Knowledge

The other day Joe said, “I like your posts. I was there when some of the events you write about happened, and the others fit my philosophy. People need a philosophy to understand what they learn.” Stoat told me about a study that showed that a high percentage of Marine Corps officers never achieve theRead… Read more »

What’s Your Customer Service Vision??

What is your Customer Service Vision for 2010? We all make New Year’s Resolutions for ourselves. We envision what we might accomplish or become. What about a customer service vision for your organization? Regardless of how good your customer service is, service quality can always be improved. Service improvements in 2010 are the quickest wayRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Blog A Day

I read a great post on GovLoop by Steve Radick. In the post, he mentioned how important it is to not only take care of your own blog, but visit and comment on other people’s blogs. As I commented on his post, this reminded me of the Bible Verse a Day programs and thought wouldn’tRead… Read more »

Premios en Mejores Practicas en Mejora de Calidad de Vida y Reducción de la Desigualdad y la Pobreza

Dos iniciativas que premian los esfuerzos de investigadores e instituciones en procura de mejoras a la calidad de vida y la reducción de la pobreza encontramos, la Primera convocada por la Asociación Civil El Agora; es el Premio Internacional de Dubai de Mejores Practicas para mejorar las Condiciones de Vida, el cual se celebra cadaRead… Read more »

The Accessibility Verdict: NYC.gov

This is a crosspost of http://dotgov.com. Author: Jim Thatcher I am looking for a surprise. It would be so gratifying to open up a government web site, any government website, and be impressed with its accessibility. The New York City site isn’t that site. In fact, the accessibility of the New York City site isRead… Read more »