Open Government Directive Plan Template is posted

Many of you probably saw the Open Government Directive Memo that was published earlier this month. If you didn’t, you can read it here. This memo has speedy schedule for agencies to develop, plan and comply with differect requirements to make the Federal Government more open and transparent. Realizing that almost every agency would needRead… Read more »

7 Ways to Ruin Your Resume

I subscribe to a list serve called BNET which sends me a daily digest of all the interesting things going on in the business world. Today there was an article titled “What Not to Do: 7 Ways to Ruin Your Resume” by Hillary Chura. I wish I could take credit for putting these sevenRead… Read more »

Mini-Guide to Acquisition on GovLoop

These are some of the best articles, groups, and other resources scattered across GovLoop. For your convenience, they are brought together in this single place. Happy reading! The Queen Mary Davie. The undisputed ruler of acquisition on GovLoop. Keep an eye on her blog. Key Groups Acquisition2.0: The central group for acquisition on GovLoop. JoinRead… Read more »

For the Canadian Federal Government…some social media catch up suggestions for 2010

Ok Canadian federal government…it is starting to look a little bleak on the social media landscape from a leadership perspective. And I certainly don’t mean that dedicated, bright, and to a certain degree brave set of leaders who have been eschewing the value of social media in government for some time now. I am talkingRead… Read more »

How-To: Create Strong Passwords and Foil Hackers in 6 Easy Steps

Author’s note: this is a guide to help you better protect yourself and your privacy online. While no method is full-proof, these steps will point you in the right direction and I encourage everyone to work towards a safer, more secure New Year in 2010. Creating strong passwords is not enough when you consider justRead… Read more »

CFCNCA Reaches $50 Million in Pledges

Today, the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) passed the $50 million mark in money pledged by generous, Federal employees. Passing this milestone is great news, but we still need help in order to reach the $64 million goal. If you are considering supporting one of the over 4,000 charities in theRead… Read more »

The cultural challenges associated with Desktop Virtualization projects.

Here’s an interesting article that addresses the cultural challenges associated with implementing a Desktop Virtualization solution. “Successful IT initiatives are more about the people and processes than about the technology…..” What are your thoughts on this subject?