Waving Goodbye to 2009

Next year is going to bring in some incredible leaps in how the work place works, that is, if we make it happen. Nothing is going to make each technology work to it’s fullest except for the individual together with other individuals. FedW hopes to see you in and out of the Waves. Happy HolidaysRead… Read more »

The Difference between Open Government and Open Governance

Is the federal government up to the challenge of citizen engagement with the public on an individual basis? Is it too much to expect an institution with an annual budget of three trillion dollars and as the nation’s largest employer with close to two million employees ready to go one-on-one with John or Jane Q.Read… Read more »

Report of Australia’s Gov 2.0 Taskforce Released

Hi Folks, The final report of our Gov 2.0 Taskforce has been released and is available from the Department of Finance and Deregulation right now. Borrowing Steve Ressler’s language, It is an awesome report and in many ways the report title – Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0 Report of the Government 2.0 Taskforce –Read… Read more »

Google and the Meaning of Half Open

I touch on open government and public data themes in this blog article — Google is half open: the conclusion I draw after reading product management SVP Jonathan Rosenberg’s long, rambling essay, “The Meaning of Open,” a seeming apologia pro vita sua posted December 21 to the Official Google Blog. Rosenberg and Google get itRead… Read more »

5 Surefire Ideas for Contract Professionals to Improve Job Hunting

This post gives you innovative ideas for getting a job in the contracts field. Even if you aren’t looking for a job, these ideas can help improve your reputation. Charlie Hoehn put together an e-book for getting a job in any field. Simply put, it is one of the most brilliant pieces of writing I’veRead… Read more »

Help USDA Design a Web game for Success

Last week we posted a call for feedback on the OSTP Blog for an effort to design a game helping kids learn about healthy food choices. We’ll be accepting comments until January 6, and I hope you can share thoughts, experience and specific lessons learned for this type of effort. Specifically, we’re asking for feedbackRead… Read more »

Show Me the Numbers

It took a recession, but resumes finally are receiving renewed scrutiny. The ability to embellish and obscure shrinks when one out of every six workers is under or unemployed. More than ever, recruiters want to see accomplishments, not responsibilities; numbers, not adverbs. Certain professions have it easier than others. If you’re a lobbyist, you citeRead… Read more »

Evolving Definitions of Mental Illness and Wellness

Manderscheid RW et al. – Understanding of the definitions of wellness and illness has changed from the mid–20th century to modern times, moving from a diagnosis–focused to a person–focused definition of mental illnesses, and from an “absence of disease” model to one that stresses positive psychological function for mental health. Currently, wellness refers to theRead… Read more »

Moving The Better Buy Project Forward: An Exercise in Change

From The Better Buy Project blog After attending the recent Better Buy Project panel this past week, I blogged about my observations and some issues that came up from that conversation. That lively discussion continued on the GovLoop Acquisition 2.0 community. Although many commentators took different takes, I think we all agreed that one ofRead… Read more »