FTC’s Stanley Lowe Builds 21st Century Data Center in Historic Building

Federal agency managers routinely talk about transformation and improving their infrastructures. For Federal Trade Commission (FTC) CIO Stanley Lowe, transformation of the infrastructure meant the infrastructure. In a building first occupied in 1938, that meant reinforcing floors and ceilings, adding new conduit, boosting power and putting in new racks, all without disturbing the appearance ofRead… Read more »

Health Care: Should We Settle for Less?

Recently, I’ve had a few discussions with friends regarding the current Senate health care bill. Is the death of the public option ok, since it got Medicare eligibility lowered to 55? That helps some people, right? More than are helped now, right? So that’s good, right? Wrong. We have apparently been subjected to the obstructionistRead… Read more »

Better Buy Project Moves Forward

From The Acquisition Corner As collaboration tools, Gov 2.0, and other initiatives to encourage transparency and solicit input from stakeholders move forward, a pilot on this front met today to discuss implementing these ideas and creating further momentum via proof of concept. The Better Buy Project, as I discussed in a previous post, is aRead… Read more »

Two Tips for Presenting IT Projects to City Council

by Sophicity Every new budget cycle brings a bevy of projects and ideas before city council for approval. While projects like sidewalk improvement or traffic decongestion are easy to explain in terms of benefits and return on investment, IT projects can be a thorny subject, especially if the council is largely made up of non-technicalRead… Read more »

The Accessibility Verdict: DC.gov

This is a crosspost of http://dotgov.com. Author: Jim Thatcher. Jim Thatcher, one of the godfathers of Section 508, reviews Government websites on Web Accessibility. In this article, Jim verdicts on the website of Washington DC, the seat of President Obama’s Open Government. Sometimes technologies like Flash or JavaScript complicate the job of making web sitesRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Partnerships Anyone?

When Whorunsgov.com first launched in January 2009, we had very little partnership help. In the year since our launch, that has changed with brands like Foreign Policy teaming up with us during our Who Runs the War Project, which created thousands of extra page views. Main Justice, Medill Journalism School and Govloop are other partnersRead… Read more »

What is OCB?

OCB is lately getting some increased buzz in leadership circles. No, I’m not talking about obsessive-compulsive behavior, at least for now anyway. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is a fancy term for employee discretionary effort. In other words, OCB is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but that nonetheless supportsRead… Read more »

Leadership On Purpose

By Jim Clemmer If the main reason for a company’s existence is profit, it is often not very profitable. When a company is fixated with the bottomline, there’s a good chance it won’t survive. The dollar sign isn’t a cause. It doesn’t stir the soul. Operating margins and return on investment don’t excite and inspire.Read… Read more »

Fed Thread

http://www.fedthread.org/ A fairly (very?) new resource, of interest to those whose job includes checking the federal register. Nice layout and features. User-friendly. Also uses “Feed My Inbox” – another handy web tool.