Gov 2.0 Blog A Day

I read a great post on GovLoop by Steve Radick. In the post, he mentioned how important it is to not only take care of your own blog, but visit and comment on other people’s blogs. As I commented on his post, this reminded me of the Bible Verse a Day programs and thought wouldn’tRead… Read more »

Premios en Mejores Practicas en Mejora de Calidad de Vida y Reducción de la Desigualdad y la Pobreza

Dos iniciativas que premian los esfuerzos de investigadores e instituciones en procura de mejoras a la calidad de vida y la reducción de la pobreza encontramos, la Primera convocada por la Asociación Civil El Agora; es el Premio Internacional de Dubai de Mejores Practicas para mejorar las Condiciones de Vida, el cual se celebra cadaRead… Read more »

The Accessibility Verdict:

This is a crosspost of Author: Jim Thatcher I am looking for a surprise. It would be so gratifying to open up a government web site, any government website, and be impressed with its accessibility. The New York City site isn’t that site. In fact, the accessibility of the New York City site isRead… Read more »

My Digital Innovation Strategy for London – One Year On

This is a re-post of a blog I wrote over on the FutureGov site yesterday Without realising, I seem to be a man of New Years resolutions. When it comes to big decisions and turning my thinking into action, January appears to be a big month for me looking back. Two years ago this month,Read… Read more »

Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing is an activity through which knowledge (i.e. information, skills, or expertise) is exchanged among people, friends, co-workers, or members of a family, a community (e.g. Wikipedia) or an organization. Organizations have recognized that knowledge is a valuable asset for competitive advantages. Knowledge sharing activities are generally supported by knowledge management systems. However, technologyRead… Read more »

The (Im)Balance of Social Forces – Part Two

As I mentioned in Part One of this post, the Collaborative Society’s main premise is that the (im)balance of role, responsibility and power that exists in a society between the three segments (government, non-profits and for-profits) could provide indicators and even predictors of that society’s health. The Collaborative Society focuses on these types of initiativesRead… Read more »

Insourcing Debate Is About Strategy, Not Numbers

From The Acquisition Corner As the federal government continues to find ways to move contracted work back in-house, it must overcome some major obstacles. One area that has been significantly neglected is effective human capital planning. As a result, the government’s lack of in-house resources has increased its reliance on contractors to help it performRead… Read more »