Why Web Accessibility is More Than a Legal Obligation

This is a crosspost of http://dotgov.com. Author: Glenda Watson Hyatt Utter the phrase “web accessibility” to a group of web designers and watch eyes immediately glaze over. Thoughts rapidly surface of how alt attributes, relative font sizes, audio transcripts and other technical requirements impede their creativity and add to their workload. However, the thoughts thatRead… Read more »

E-gov Versus Open Gov: The Evolution of E-democracy

One of the first questions I asked myself when familiarizing myself with the Open Government initiative was: “How is the Obama Administration’s Open Government (Open Gov) initiative different from the Bush Administration’s E-government (E-gov) initiative?” There are many people who use the two terms interchangeably but this paper argues that although they are distinct initiativesRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – TSP Funds Consolidating

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from www.tsptalk.com. Stocks and the TSP funds moved mostly sideways last week, although the I-fund was the victim of a strong dollar and its losses spread into the L-funds. For the week, the C-fund and S-funds were up slightly at +0.09% and +0.18% respectively. TheRead… Read more »

DOI’s Got Talent

Before a packed house in their historic Yates Auditorium, the Department of Interior (DOI) held the finale of their “DOI’s Got Talent” contest. The event was held to help bring awareness towards this year’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and featured everything from a “red carpet walk”, paparazzi and of course, plenty of talent. The dayRead… Read more »

Time for a Re-Think of USA.gov

When USA.gov was born, a central links directory for the government was a huge asset. Now, however, citizens turn to Google for lists of links. So if USA.gov is to add value, I think it’s time for a major re-think of its purpose. It’s an important discussion…one that impacts – and therefore should involve –Read… Read more »

Measuring Relationships From Social Media

I had an opportunity to meet Katie D Paine on July 22nd at an Open Government and Innovation conference in DC. Katie specializes in public relations and measuring their effectiveness. Her commanding presence underscored her depth of knowledge, and her open and friendly demeanor in a one-on-one situation proved to me that she practices whatRead… Read more »

Important Skills for Contract Professionals, Part 2

Today, we have answers specifically from Tim Cummins, founder of International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM). Last time we covered core skills as they are defined by IACCM. As a refresher, additional skills are not mandatory for all contract positions. Rather, they are required on a position by position basis. Additional Skills KnowledgeRead… Read more »