Young Government Leaders (YGL) Joins Combined Federal Campaign of the National Captial (CFCNCA)

Executive Board of Young Government Leaders (YGL) joins the Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA). If you live in the Washington metropolitan region, that means you can contribute to YGL as a Federal employee by entering the YGL code #38096 on your agency’s CFC pledge card. Outside of Washington, contributors you canRead… Read more »

EPEAT – Collaborating for the Environment

If you have experienced a successful outcome from a collaborative initiative, you understand what the commitment can achieve. However, most people have experienced unsuccessful collaboration, thus they come into projects with biases and pre-conceived low expectations for success. The job of the process facilitators is to manage those notions and foster real collaboration within theRead… Read more »

Tactical Approaches and Governance relating to the Open Gov Directive

After combing through the Open Government Directive very carefully over the last few days, I transitioned from the strategic to the tactical and started asking the question: How are we actually going to get all of this work done in the next 120 days? Given, the directive calls for some discrete action within the nextRead… Read more »

Transparency and Accountability through Performance-Based Engagement

Interesting article by Ryan McCullough, Govplace VP of Federal Division, about “Transparency and Accountability through Performance-Based Engagement”. Ryan has firsthand knowledge of applying a performance-based engagement approach to federal IT projects. Of important note, Ryan was awarded 1105 Media’s Rising Star Award for his work in delivering a solution delivery methodology founded in a performance-basedRead… Read more »

Tagging people with attributes?

Does anyone know if there is a way to add “tags” to people (either have others tag them and/or add tags to themselves) and then be able to such for people via those tags? I would love to be able to search for expertise on some subject and have that seach narrowed down by attribute/skillRead… Read more »

Its government for people – not computers!

Back around year 1990 I remember my amazement at learning that Iceland had the largest router network at around 50 routers of any European business or government. There was a pretty sensible explanation around the low density of the population and the realisation that a step change in the country’s economy as well as socialRead… Read more »

The Dangers of Being Too “Positive” in a Team Building Process: Or Don’t Just “Have a Nice Day!”

“You’re being negative!” Recently I led a team building workshop, and that was a federal government Division Director’s reply to my questioning, “Why the ‘Front Office’ meeting had not been working?” Preceding my operational assessment a number of people noted: a) that for several months people were not bringing relevant agenda issues to the meetingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Unions oppose OPM health-care role

Happy Friday! Two leading federal workers unions want lawmakers to keep their hands off the program that provides health-care coverage to federal employees, arguing that any potential merger with a larger public health care program would jeopardize health coverage for federal workers. Senate Democrats may soon strike a deal to create a program establishing severalRead… Read more »

To the USDA:

Barack Obama won the presidency, in large part, because of his ability to harness the power of social media. He did not shy away from Facebook or MySpace in fear of repercussion or negative feedback. He created an organic, powerful movement by engaging his supporters often, with the tools they already use on a dailyRead… Read more »