Challenge to Put Your Desktop Into the Cloud in Support of the Open Government Directive and

My suggestion for a “silo busting and brilliant innovation in 2010” is to put your desktop into the cloud in support of the Open Government Directive and For more details see the following: and the recent press at:

Curso Introducción al Derecho de Acceso a la Información Pública

Este ano 2010 sera el de la consolidación de este importante movimiento del OpenGov, el espaldarazo que la administración Obama dio con la publicación del Open Government Iniciative a finales del 2009 sera un trampolín para este concepto que viene tomando cuerpo en las sociedades democráticas gracias al momento histórico que viven las tecnologías deRead… Read more »

The (Im)Balance of Social Forces – Part One

We are experiencing impacting social imbalances everywhere. This is simply exemplified by the following partial list of events that happened during the last weeks: • The Climate Conference in Copenhagen (to me, an anticlimactic event) • The Healthcare Bill Showdown (to me, more of a giving-in event) • The Unemployment End of Year reports (thingsRead… Read more »

Nationbuilding as doctrine

“On War”, the posthumously published musings of General Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewitz, a Prussian soldier who fought against Napoleon and who died over 160 years ago, still is actively cited in doctrinal perspectives on conflict. Stephen L. Melton postulates in his book “The Clausewitz Delusion” that around the 1980’s Clausewitz’ encroached on the priorRead… Read more »

Paradoxical Nicknames, Resilient Robots and Avatar Spinoffs: One Man’s Restless Journey into Creative and Cohesive Space-Time

Recently, an Internet colleague asked me to share how my mind works when it’s in creative gear. The question has motivated this essay: an examination of how a second colleague’s brainstorming request initially stirred those creative juices and, then, how a sci-fi cinema classic and a current mega-movie really got the electricity flowing…or jolted meRead… Read more »

New Year, New Manor Innovations

It seems like today so many agencies are plagued by the expenses of online web development and associated hosting; Manor was no different. Smaller agencies pay thousands of dollars to private companies to developed attractive websites that can be done at a fraction of the cost. After discussing my frustrations with Luke Fretwell, the founderRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – As Goes January…

It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from As Goes January… Good Start to 2010 There is an old Wall Street axiom that says, “As goes January, so goes the year.” Some take it further saying the first five or six trading days in January determines what type of year we have. If that’sRead… Read more »