The Merging of Epidemics in the Information Age – A Side Note

With so many people I know fighting the flu and our concerns about the H1N1 epidemic, I have been thinking about the Global Public Health Intelligence Network, GIPHIN, the Canadian’s based public health early warning systems, and the role it played during the SARS scare. I first heard about GPHIN back in late 2005 andRead… Read more »

My E-Government Wish List for Santa – Wish #1

This is a cross-post of: Dear Santa, This year, I‘m not asking for a new iPhone, a Spy Camera Video Watch or an Electrical Car (a real one!). Santa Art by Isabelle (6 years) This year, I’m asking for a better e-Government. The Obama administration has already made a huge progression with the OpenRead… Read more »

U.S. Department of State Launches Second Annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest to Amplify U.S. Public Diplomacy: “Change Your Climate, Change Our World”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton launched the Department of State’s second annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest, “Change Your Climate, Change Our World,” with a video message on the ExchangesConnect social network on November 17. Find more videos like this on ExchangesConnect The ExchangesConnect Video Contest is a call to action for global citizens around theRead… Read more »

Digital Identity – Thoughts from Fall conference

Had a great meeting hosted by FedEx at their Memphis HQ last week, covering research deliverables from the second half of 2009 and planned agenda for 2010. One of the hot topics was (and is) Digital Identity. There was an interesting post on this subject in the NY Times Bits blog this morning, basically sayingRead… Read more »

How-To: Find That Perfect Social Media User Name the Easy Way

It’s once again “how-to Monday” and in an effort to continue the trend of how to “best use those social media tools freely available to all to make our lives easier” I’m sharing a new ‘easy’ site with you. And it doesn’t get much easier than knowem. Put simply it’s a one-stop shop to ensureRead… Read more »

Dept of VA DepSec Gould taking live questions on Weds at 10:00 AM

Deputy Secretary Scott Gould and Glenn Haggstrom, the Executive Director for Acquisitions, Logistics and Construction at VA will take questions on VA acquisitions & procurement, as well as provide an update to VA’s Supplier Relationship Transformation Initiative via live webinar Wednesday, December 9 at 10:00 AM EST. This webinar is a follow-up to the SupplierRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from Last week was certainly an interesting week as we started out on Monday, coming off of that large sell-off on the Friday before caused by the Dubai credit issue. The low volume sell-off left questions as to how investors would react when theyRead… Read more »

Musicians join Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Tonight’s episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition features Usher assisting the crew in building a home for the Scott family who lost their husband/father who was killed in an accident. In past seasons, musicians just sang. But this season the show has asked celebrities of all sorts to roll up their sleeves and pick upRead… Read more »

Technology is not the thing

Last week I spoke at the Online Information conference. It was a session about Twitter, where Karen Blakeman did a great job explaining the whole thing, and how organisations can make use of it. Then I stepped up and told a few jokes about government is – and should be – using Twitter. Here’s theRead… Read more »

Collaborating for the Environment

Recently, during a conversation about on-line community management and growth, a top executive from a small collaboration software vendor told me that collaboration was just great team building. I understand how the difference between collaboration and team building can be blurry, but I walked away from that conversation feeling that vendors who believe such simplificationRead… Read more »