Gadgetry and Innovation

These may have been around for a while, but I have just recently come across them and think they are some great, novel ideas. What have you found interesting out there? Spotlight Hat, available at Lowe’s and numerous others in various designs. Pull-out advertising on a ballpoint pen, available at and numerous other sites.

Planning your SharePoint Environment to fit your Business Model

EasyTabs.dwp Being an IT person that has been “embedded” in the comptroller organization at USSOCOM has been a great experience. Since I live and breathe their business each day (for the past 11 years), it has allowed me to learn how they interact with their various business partners during budget cycles, Congressional interactions, and theRead… Read more »

Veteran Benefits 2010

I just found out from a VA rep there is NO INCREASE in VA disability/compensation for this year. How does this happen? Prices going up on everything, we are asked to do more with less, and then the government, we support, FAILS to support the Vets. How can we help stimulate the economy without theRead… Read more »

Is Cooperation Possible? Funding 2.0: A Model for Multi-Agency Funding for Gov 2.0 Initiatives

Certainly, I am not fantasizing magic filled utopia where happiness radiates all around and unicorns slide down rainbows into pools of blueberry jam, but let’s be realistic about the situation here. We are living in a time of shrinking budgets and disappearing funds with no relief in sight. The key is doing more with less,Read… Read more »

Jane & John Q. Public’s “Year-End (2009) Gov 2.0 List”

There are some great “year-end” blog posts and articles reviewing e-Gov, or government via the Internet. This year, it is mostly about Gov 2.0 — stories or benchmarks for expanding collaborative technologies of Web 2.0 across the public sector. All of these articles come from practitioners, intended for reading/discussion among other practitioners. What’s missing? HowRead… Read more »