SharePoint Collaboration in Govt Agencies

ON POINT WITH SHAREPOINT! As a business technologist for the Comptroller at the United States Special Operations Command, I am tasked with providing a collaborative environment with organizations across the globe. In 2006, we launched MicroSoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) to enable beter colloboration across within our special forces community and business partners. I wouldRead… Read more »

Social Networking Lessons for Building Local Communities

A city’s sustainability and stability relies on an active, engaged, and innovative population. But local government was never structured to address this social aspect of community even though many expect it to do so. Instead, as Tim O’Reilly said in this video, government is like a vending machine, “we pay our taxes and out comeRead… Read more »


Well, here we are…at the end of another year. I don’t know about you, but I always use this last week of the year to reflect and get re-centered for the coming year. As I looked through my blog posts over the year, I see a trend. I started out high on the optimism thatRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – Santa Started Early

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from The “Santa Claus” rally got off to an early this year. Officially, the Santa Claus rally includes the final 5 trading days of the year, and the first two of the new year. That means this past Thursday, Christmas Eve, was the firstRead… Read more »

Twittering for Contracts Transparency with TrackDailyGoals

Sterlling Whitehead maintains a blog called All Things Sterling. This post can help you understand the huge power of using a simple service like TrackDailyGoals for easily implementing transparency. There’s also the added bonus of easy project management completion and goal tracking at the same time. The Point The real but unnoticed benefit for theRead… Read more »

Are you an innovator interested in the application of the OGD in your organization?

That sounds similar to fishing doesn’t it? The waters of the Government are vast. The Federal Wave has created a main wave for collaboration on plan development to happen during the next 120 days; it is nice to know who innovators and those interested in creating are in terms of a shared vision for OGDRead… Read more »

Virtual Cemeteries

Managing a public cemetery is just one of the many tasks handled by a public works department. Typically we take care of cutting grass, repairing monuments, paving/plowing roads, removing leaves, burying people, selling lots, and handling the documentation and requests for grave locations. Little has changed over the years in how these duties are administered.Read… Read more »