How-To: Hold a Meeting and Survive

How to Hold a Meeting and Survive Adam Sulewski “A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours.” – Milton Berle We all have had the pleasure of attending a poorly-run meeting. Hopefully, these experiences will motivate you to ensure your own task-driven gatherings do not earn the same evaluation. Meetings can beRead… Read more »

Mission Tenants: The missing link in collaboration success

My colleague (and new GovLoop friend) Andrew posted a bang-up deck on measurement earlier today. I love metrics and poring over data, so I refer you to it. Good stuff. Already, organizations that are focused, proactive and disciplined about measurement are seeing good results. For example, last week, my nGenera colleague Laura Carillo presented atRead… Read more »

Call for Presentations extended for Gov 2.0 Expo

We’ve extended the deadline to January 6 for speaking proposals for Gov 2.0 Expo (happening May 25-27, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center). Submit yours today! We’re looking for your great ideas and best practices. We want to hear what you’re doing at the intersection of emerging technology and government at all levels, from localRead… Read more »

Transforming the Conventional into the Creative: Discovering and Designing the “Bright Crystals” of Contradiction

These days everyone wants to be creative, to “think out of the box.” But how do you walk the talk? As a workshop leader who often tries to give organizations a “Jolt of CPR: Being Creative, Passionate and Risk-Taking,” let me share one concept that just might be an integral component of creative thinking andRead… Read more »

Business Consultancy India – Dr. Shailesh Thaker

Multi-taskers are considered as the geniuses created by God of the 21st century. Have you ever wondered what is it that multi-taskers do that you can’t? The answer is nothing. Stanford University researchers have challenged a prevailing myth that multi-taskers are better at processing and organizing information. The people who multi-task the most are theRead… Read more »

The State Department’s CFC Fun Run

Nearly forty State Department employees took part in a Fun Run that was held today to help bring awareness to this year’s Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA). On a seasonably cool day, participants had the option of either jogging the course or walking it. Joggers started from near the Kennedy Center,Read… Read more »