FAA identifies computer error that caused flight delays

A software problem that caused flight delays across the country today was not the first serious hiccup Federal Aviation Administration computer systems have suffered in recent years. FAA officials said the problem had been resolved by mid-morning, after causing disruptions for about five hours. The glitch made it impossible for airlines to enter flight planRead… Read more »

The Virtual World is Flat- How social media is helping good ideas get heard

The Army is probably about as stratified and hierarchical an organization as you will find where everyone has a place in the system from Private to General. That system has existed for literally thousands of years but I believe the social media revolution is creating a virtual flattening like never seen before where anyone withRead… Read more »

Do you love your job?

I sent this link to my son, knowing he would enjoy it: Cactus Flight 1549 Accident Reconstruction (US Airways) “The NTSB released the public docket for Flight 1549 on June 9, 2009. The docket contains a wealth of information that can be utilized in a full 3D reconstruction of the accident. Our work goes deepRead… Read more »

EPP TEAM L – Fort Leavenworth Army College Visit

Team L of the Graduate School Executive Potential visited United States Army Combined Arms College at Ft. Leavenworth yesterday, Nov. 17. We were hosted by retired Major General Ralph Doughty who is the Chair of Interagency and Multinational Studies. We spent the day in briefing and demos that were geared toward giving us a betterRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Gotta Love the Social Media

A significant difference between wikis created now and those created two-to-three years ago is the advent — and proliferation of — social media. Facebook is no longer used only by college kids, and Twitter results now show up on Google searches. What a change! In order to build a community, you must be able toRead… Read more »