Why Twitter? Why Now? Why Not?

NASA hosted our first tweet-up at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, corresponding with the STS-129 Space Shuttle launch. Tweeters from around the world attended — from as far away as the UK, Morocco, and New Zealand. We exposed them to speakers who shared their experiences on what it takes to launch a Shuttle toRead… Read more »

Open Government Data and The Great Expectation Gap

Originally posted on “osrin.net”, 20th October 2009 The level of activity around the world in opening up government data is nothing short of astounding. Governments at every level have engaged citizens, businesses and developers in combinations of public discussions and hackfests to look at how the data that they hold can be used in newRead… Read more »

“People of Earth, remember.” RHIOs Part II

The last couple of days have been just spectacularly beautiful in Denver with that Colorado blue sky that makes you just want to go out and play. But, instead of playing outside I have spent quite a bit of time reconnecting with old colleagues from the social and healthcare services projects I used to volunteerRead… Read more »

Panel Discussion – Thriving in the Green Economy – Your Opinion Wanted

http://try.webex.com/mk/get/PTB_WWF_LP?TrackID=1020334 Panel discussion today sponsored by Cisco with execs from Coca Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Nokia and several others. Discussions will address topics such as CO2 emissions and the effect on each company’s bottom line. This is quite interesting in light of the upcoming Copenhagen Climate Conference and the looming 2012 expiration of the KyotoRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Strategic Partnership on Acquisition Recruitment Coalition

On Nov 4, GovExec featured an article on SPARC http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?filepath=/dailyfed/1109/11040… Given the criticality and need for more acquisition resources in government and the need for strategic recruitment, retention and training, I thought I’d provide some highlights from the article. Just as background – if you didn’t know already, the federal government spends approximately $530B annuallyRead… Read more »

Facebook and Twitter Can Endanger Your Security Clearance Health

On the Homeland Security Watch blog earlier today, an article was reposted concerning the use of popular social networking tools and their possible endangering of a professional’s security clearance. Here is my response: Yes, professionals with security clearances have many concerns when it comes to maintaining their clearances. These are professionals who we have entrustedRead… Read more »

“B” Wowed and “B”edazzeled at CERNER!

Dear Readers, Today we were given the unique opportunity of visiting Cerner Corporation a healthcare solutions company. The presentation of the CERNER Associates was designed to bedazzle the customer from the moment she walked into their building until she left. The company is noted for being one of the most innovative companies in the industry.Read… Read more »

Press Releases Wanted!

Dear U.S. Government Community, My news service NewsRoom America is about to relaunch our site, and an important part of this will be publishing press releases from the private and public sectors in real-time. We have capacity for up to 100,000 per day. It will be free to contribute and free to access, and weRead… Read more »