Uncle Sam’s $24 Million Cloud App

Posted by John Foley on November 17, 2009 09:11 AM in Information Week The U.S. government’s cloud computing portal, Apps.gov, may be a breakthrough in fast, efficient, and transparent IT acquisition, but that doesn’t mean it’s cheap. Witness the multimillion-dollar software modules available to government agencies on the site. Apps.gov was unveiled by Federal CIORead… Read more »

Do the Service – Earn the Image

Two recent articles jumped out at me this week. The first is an article in Government Executive Magazine summarizing the results of a recent Gallup poll on citizens’ satisfaction with their government. They aren’t. The second was a blog piece by Alex Hawkinson on Social Media Today: “Why Customer Service Is the New Marketing.” OK.Read… Read more »

Do Think Tanks Matter?

If you’re engaged in some level of policy-making or research with the government, it’s likely that you’ve attended an event hosted by a think tank or policy forum such as Brookings, Heritage, or the Wilson Center. Have you found these events to be helpful? Where you able to network or learn something new and relevant?Read… Read more »

EPP-Kansas City-Team Sprint Center

Team Sprint Center began meeting at 9:00 am. We are currently reviewing the questions we formulated late last night. We are also sorting out logistics for heading over to the Sprint Center and are assigning team members for certain topics. Our questions will be asked by team members specifically working on certain developmental gaps. EarlierRead… Read more »

Getting Big Things Done in Government

The eagerly anticipated new book from Bill Eggers (director for Deloitte Research) and co-author John O’Leary Getting Big Things Done in Government(Research Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School) titled “If We Could Put a Man on the Moon…Getting Big Things Done in Govt,” is being launched in a 2-hour event tomorrow at the Grand Hyatt, DC.Read… Read more »

Mentoring in a Flash

Mentoring is one of the most effective professional and career development options available for people. A major challenge for mentoring, however, is the lack of available time (or perceived lack of time) on the part of potential mentors to participate. A solution? How about mentoring in a flash. Flash mentoring is a one-time meeting orRead… Read more »

GlobaFone Awarded Schedule 70 Contract

GlobaFone, a leading provider of global satellite communications systems, has been awarded GSA contract number GS-35F-0074W within the Schedule 70 program. Under the contract GlobaFone is offering the US-made Iridium 9505A handset, specialty products, a variety of Iridium accessories, GlobaFone’s service plans for Iridium and INMARSAT BGAN service plans. Complete press reslease: http://www.prweb.com/releases/globafone/gsacontract/prweb3190004.htm

IT Summit Photos by Dan Chang

Master Photographer Daniel K.M. Chang has posted his photos of the IT Summit. Please follow his instructions below to see them. The Summit photos can be accessed with this URL and password: http://dkmchang.smugmug.com/share/QlQF0AMR2ewNO password: oit When you get on the site, you’ll see a number of galleries organized principally by day. Clicking on one ofRead… Read more »