Gartner Identifies top 10 Issues

Kinda Dated (Oct 20, 2009), that is the disadvantage of receiving “monthly” newsletters, but I believe is still very relevant. Gartner Press Release Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010 Analysts Examine Latest Industry Trends During Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, October 18-22, in Orlando ORLANDO, Fla., October 20, 2009 — ? Gartner, Inc. analysts todayRead… Read more »

How-To: Edit,, and even

Yes, that’s right folks…you too can edit these websites right now, live, and change the page however you see fit! Has the Government wikied out? Wait, you don’t see what I see (click the image to the right) I actually DID edit the site. No, I didn’t hack it either. I used a simple,Read… Read more »

Vote @Astro_Mike: Tweet of the Year!

Vote for Twitternaut @Astro_Mike Massimino’s first tweet from space for “Tweet of the Year” in Mashable’s Open Web Awards Social Media Edition. You can vote once a day through December 13th. Find out more about NASA’s first Massimillionaire. Let your vote send this message: When we tweet from space, everyone listens.

Focus on Quality Service Delivery

Customer Service in government is different from private industry, primarily because our customers are not always right. Many government services are enforcement or regulatory in nature. There are lots of rules to follow, and some of our customers may be in violation of those rules. So how can we still provide great service? Focus onRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend. The market was moving along just fine during the typical light volume, holiday shortened trading week, but a surprise debt problem out of Dubai shook some nerves and took the major indices for a tailspin onRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Paper jams at Bureau of Engraving and Printing

Angry employees at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing say the cash-strapped agency is giving taxpayer money to government employees to return government printers. At least 534 mostly senior bureau employees have individual printers to ensure that sensitive documents — related mostly to personnel issues — don’t end up in the wrong hands. But nowRead… Read more »

The Power of Watching and Listening

Gerry McGovern’s newsletter this week is all about the power of watching and listening to the people who use your website. According to Gerry, observing actual behavior really is the only way to know how successful (or not) your site is. It’s all about making sure people can find and do what they want, asRead… Read more »

CFC Leaders Gather at Mid-Campaign Luncheon

The CFCNCA Mid-Campaign Luncheon was an invitation-only event where the leaders of the national capital area gathered to discuss best practices, share campaign success stories and learn strategies to invigorate their campaign efforts for the remainder of the season. Over 300 Campaign Managers met for an informative and inspirational lunch. Local Federal Coordinating Committee membersRead… Read more »

CFCNCA Extension Announced

The CFCNCA deadline has been extended to January 15, 2010. Just a few weeks left to give. Local Federal Coordinating Committee Chair, Linda Washington, made the announcement of the extension granted to the CFCNCA by the Office of Personnel Management at the Mid-Campaign lunch on November 19. “While it is good news that we willRead… Read more »

One Small Step for Employee-Management-Community Consensus Building: Affirming the Purpose, Participation and Power of Admin Professionals

One of the challenges for an Organizational Development Consultant is getting management and employees on the same page, if not singing from the same sheet of music. Sometimes you don’t need management to generate static. Status distinctions within the employee ranks may exacerbate in-house tensions. For example, in one government directorate, scientists and IT folksRead… Read more »