No Rain, No Rainbows

Watch closely the first 8 or 9 seconds of this video… …Got it? … No rain, no rainbows? Good. Now, how often as IT are we in that “no rain, no rainbows” guy’s shoes? That poor guy went to a lot of planning, time, and effort to make sure that bride had rainbows on herRead… Read more »

Just let them know what is happening…

Early last year we had a significant snow storm that caused many avalanches in places along I-90 in central Washington that hadn’t seen avalanches before. One of these avalanches took out a popular Web camera. Immediately after the camera was taken offline by an avalanche negative feedback started coming in as users of our siteRead… Read more »

“Collaboration Over Time”

There is a chapter in Keith Sawyer’s Group Genius book titled Collaboration Over Time where Sawyer refers to several inventions and discoveries, including Morse’s first working telegraph line and Darwin’s The Origin of the Species to make the point that: Collaboration makes the mind more creative because working with others gives you new and unexpectedRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Incorrect long-term care info mailed to gov’t workers

Letters sent to tens of thousands of employees in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program contained errors in calculating potential premiums, the Office of Personnel Management announced Friday. The errors mean enrollees now have until March 15, 2010 to review their options and make final decisions on coverage. OPM learned of the errors fromRead… Read more »

Twittersphere: Social Space Frontier

Non-twit-oholics always ask me, “What’s the point? Why Twitter?” I’m sorry. That’s like asking me, “Why chocolate?” My answer, “Take the first bite, then we’ll talk.” But, some still need convincing. I mean really. You know those types. The ones who look at the chocolate cheesecake with swirls of whipped cream…and walk away. Yeah, thoseRead… Read more »

9/11 War Criminals to be tried in Civil Court–Just a bad idea

Headlines: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and four others will be sent for prosecution in a criminal court in New York from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, an Obama administration official said on Friday. The decision today by the Obama administration toRead… Read more »

The Washington Post Express Supplement featured the CFCNCA in the second special edition.

The Washington Post Express Supplement featured the CFCNCA in the second special edition. It included: • A message from the President • Success stories showing how your CFC contributions at work • Creative ways Federal agencies are kicking off their campaigns • Easier giving options through e-Giving tools • The important role that Loaned ExecutivesRead… Read more »

Fresh AIR

I wrote a few months ago about looking for applications of web 2.0 goodness that I can apply in delivering administrative services. I did get some mileage out of Yammer and my agency’s in-house blog capability for sharing information, but I am still on the hunt. I also set myself up on Twitter (@Bureaucrates). NowRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: GeekChick

I have never met Geekchick but after reading her comments I found her to be a very interesting person. She is one of those really cool people you can talk to for days about anything and everything. She started one of my favorite groups, Geeks in Government, so what is not to like about thisRead… Read more »