Facebook and Twitter Can Endanger Your Security Clearance Health

On the Homeland Security Watch blog earlier today, an article was reposted concerning the use of popular social networking tools and their possible endangering of a professional’s security clearance. Here is my response: Yes, professionals with security clearances have many concerns when it comes to maintaining their clearances. These are professionals who we have entrustedRead… Read more »

“B” Wowed and “B”edazzeled at CERNER!

Dear Readers, Today we were given the unique opportunity of visiting Cerner Corporation a healthcare solutions company. The presentation of the CERNER Associates was designed to bedazzle the customer from the moment she walked into their building until she left. The company is noted for being one of the most innovative companies in the industry.Read… Read more »

Press Releases Wanted!

Dear U.S. Government Community, My news service NewsRoom America is about to relaunch our site, and an important part of this will be publishing press releases from the private and public sectors in real-time. We have capacity for up to 100,000 per day. It will be free to contribute and free to access, and weRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 8 – Confidential Information, Terms of Service, and Legal Issues

Although it may be a matter of common sense that employees should follow terms of service and the law and also not to disclose confidential information, most social media policies include clauses stating that employees are responsible for their actions with regard to confidential information, terms of service, and obeying the law. What else shouldRead… Read more »

EPP Benchmarking Site Visit – FAA Regional Office and Air Route Traffic Control Center

Today was an outstanding day on all fronts. Our team was quite fortunate to visit two Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sites and to gather information from and ask questions of 9 different presenters. We were also fortunate to have a high functioning team both in preparing for and in conducting our site visits. The dayRead… Read more »

EPP-Kansas City-Team Sprint Center

We arrived at the Sprint Center Arena at 1:00 pm and met with Al Tyree, Communications from the Graduate School, in preparation for our scheduled visit with senior leadership members from AEG. We went through security and met Ms. Brenda Tinnen, General Manager, and David Pufford, Director of Operations in one of Sprint Center ArenasRead… Read more »