Executive Potential Program Best Practices in Kansas City

The Executive Potential Program has descended on Kansas City. And I do mean descended. Fifteen teams visiting 15 innovative organizations. Participants visited government sites such as The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and The FAA Air Traffic Control Center (a rare opportunity to action visit the control tower and witness air traffic operations); wentRead… Read more »

4 Best Practices for Fighting Phishing Attacks

by Sophicity Phishing is a form of fraud that masquerades as an official email or website which attempts to steal a victim’s username, password, and other information. Typically, a scammer will send an email that appears to be from a well-known bank, asking the user to log in to their account. When the victim clicksRead… Read more »

EPP Team ECentric—–Host Company: Bayer Animal Health, LLC.

November 17, 2009- Benchmarking Week – Kansas City, MO.- Novmeber 15-20, 2009 The 2010 Executive Potential Program (EPP) met in Kansas City to gain experiences and information on the benefits of “benchmarking”. A group of 130 professional federal employees began the week with enlighten presentations by the Kansas City Mayor and Chamber of Commerce. TheRead… Read more »

EPP Team ECentric—–Host Company: Bayer Animal Health, LLC.

November 17, 2009- Benchmarking Week – Kansas City, MO.- Novmeber 15-20, 2009 The 2010 Executive Potential Program (EPP) met in Kansas City to gain experiences and information on the benefits of “benchmarking”. A group of 130 professional federal employees began the week with enlighten presentations by the Kansas City Mayor and Chamber of Commerce. TheRead… Read more »

Uncle Sam’s $24 Million Cloud App

Posted by John Foley on November 17, 2009 09:11 AM in Information Week The U.S. government’s cloud computing portal, Apps.gov, may be a breakthrough in fast, efficient, and transparent IT acquisition, but that doesn’t mean it’s cheap. Witness the multimillion-dollar software modules available to government agencies on the site. Apps.gov was unveiled by Federal CIORead… Read more »

Do the Service – Earn the Image

Two recent articles jumped out at me this week. The first is an article in Government Executive Magazine summarizing the results of a recent Gallup poll on citizens’ satisfaction with their government. They aren’t. The second was a blog piece by Alex Hawkinson on Social Media Today: “Why Customer Service Is the New Marketing.” OK.Read… Read more »

Do Think Tanks Matter?

If you’re engaged in some level of policy-making or research with the government, it’s likely that you’ve attended an event hosted by a think tank or policy forum such as Brookings, Heritage, or the Wilson Center. Have you found these events to be helpful? Where you able to network or learn something new and relevant?Read… Read more »

EPP-Kansas City-Team Sprint Center

Team Sprint Center began meeting at 9:00 am. We are currently reviewing the questions we formulated late last night. We are also sorting out logistics for heading over to the Sprint Center and are assigning team members for certain topics. Our questions will be asked by team members specifically working on certain developmental gaps. EarlierRead… Read more »