Getting Big Things Done in Government

The eagerly anticipated new book from Bill Eggers (director for Deloitte Research) and co-author John O’Leary Getting Big Things Done in Government(Research Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School) titled “If We Could Put a Man on the Moon…Getting Big Things Done in Govt,” is being launched in a 2-hour event tomorrow at the Grand Hyatt, DC.Read… Read more »

Mentoring in a Flash

Mentoring is one of the most effective professional and career development options available for people. A major challenge for mentoring, however, is the lack of available time (or perceived lack of time) on the part of potential mentors to participate. A solution? How about mentoring in a flash. Flash mentoring is a one-time meeting orRead… Read more »

GlobaFone Awarded Schedule 70 Contract

GlobaFone, a leading provider of global satellite communications systems, has been awarded GSA contract number GS-35F-0074W within the Schedule 70 program. Under the contract GlobaFone is offering the US-made Iridium 9505A handset, specialty products, a variety of Iridium accessories, GlobaFone’s service plans for Iridium and INMARSAT BGAN service plans. Complete press reslease:

IT Summit Photos by Dan Chang

Master Photographer Daniel K.M. Chang has posted his photos of the IT Summit. Please follow his instructions below to see them. The Summit photos can be accessed with this URL and password: password: oit When you get on the site, you’ll see a number of galleries organized principally by day. Clicking on one ofRead… Read more »

Announcing the Government 2.0 Online Conference (Gov 2.0 OLC) from O’Reilly Media

O’Reilly Media has gotten into Government 2.0 in a big way. Their events in September – the Gov 2.0 Summit and the preview event Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase showed off their vision for government. Their 2010 event, the Gov 2.0 Expo (whose program I co-chair with Laurel Ruma) is going to be a hugely excitingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: New survey on federal agencies

Happy Tuesday! The military, president, Supreme Court and your local government rank higher than federal agencies in a national Gallup survey released Monday. Still, federal employees beat general perceptions of state governments and Congress. Americans named the Defense Department as most important to the country’s future, followed by the Education Department. Most notably, a largeRead… Read more »

Realism or Neo-Realism: Theory in Light of Globalization

Realism and Neo-Realism: Evaluating the Limitations in Light of Globalization Introduction “To what extent has neo-realism addressed the limitations of classical realism (if limitations there be)? Realism as a discipline in international relations was not introduced formally, as such, until World War II. However, the primary assumptions of realism were expressed by earlier writers. AccordingRead… Read more »