Agreeable to Disagreement

Students of leadership may recall a clever quotation from George S. Patton: No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike. Although disagreements in the workplace can sometimes create emotionally charged situations, thoughtful disagreement can be quite constructive when managed appropriately. Many leaders have found success by not trying to prevent disagreement but rather byRead… Read more »

A Transformation Tip From the Kitchen

Who would argue the fact that flour, that white powder made from ground-milled wheat, is critically important to our way of life? But despite the fact that there is flour in just about every food pantry in the planet, there are few people who would voluntarily scoop up a handful and shove it in theirRead… Read more »

Federal News Radio Hosts CFC Progress Report

Linda Washington, LFCC Chairperson, was interviewed on The Federal Drive with anchors Tom Temin and Jane Norris. The Federal Drive is the morning drive show on Federal News Radio heard throughout the entire Washington Metro region at 1500 AM and in Frederick at 820 AM. Federal News Radio covers both the Federal Government and thoseRead… Read more »

Peace Corps Holds a “Football-style Rally for the CFC

The Peace Corps held their 2009 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) kickoff today before a raucous crowd in their Shriver Hall. Employees dressed as cheerleaders led cheers of “C-F-C!” while others held pro-CFC signs and banners to express their support for this year’s fund drive which they’ve named the “Bring it Home” campaign. “Why should theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Lieberman lays out his cyber security plan

He’s earned headlines, praise and criticism this week for his stance on health care reform, but Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) shifts gears Friday to focus on another long-brewing issue: cyber security. The Connecticut lawmaker will publicly state for the first time his preference for a Senate-confirmed White House official to coordinate the government’s efforts,Read… Read more »

Are You Tuned in to Gov 2.0 Radio?

Back in my days as a City Hall reporter, one of my very favorite things to do was the Comcast Citydesk Newshour show on local cable. Once a week, I’d get to chat live about politics and City Hall with some of The City’s top reporters, editorial writers and columnists. I was always rushing downRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: The Halloween edition

Happy Friday! It’s Halloween Eve, and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will dress up as a rancher. The Agriculture Department will close its annual farmers market season with recipe sharing and an antique cider press demonstration. Young children from a nearby day care center will trick-or-treat through the halls of the Department of Veterans Affairs likeRead… Read more »

NSPS discusses what’s next as controversial pay-for-performance system ends

Federal News Radio spoke with Tim Curry, the Acting Program Executive Officer of the National Security Personnel System. Curry recently took over after the departure of Brad Bunn. We asked him what comes next as the Department of Defense gets ready to transition out of NSPS. “What we’re looking at is trying to take theRead… Read more »

The Myth of the Turnaround Employee

I cant remember how often I’ve heard stories like the one I just heard from a good friend of mine. He had introduced me to a person who by all accounts was courteous and professional and an all-around good guy. After he left the room I got “The Story.” We’ve all heard it too manyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: GreenGov Challenge concludes Saturday

A friendly reminder that federal employees have until Saturday to submit their ideas for the White House GreenGov Challenge, a chance for rank and file folks to share their ideas on how to improve the government’s environmental sustainability. More than 10,000 civilian and military employees have logged on to to submit ideas and voteRead… Read more »