Climate change and a Gov 2.0 event in Toronto

I’ve been following the activity around climate change, sustainability, and cleantech especially closely, in recent weeks. Part of it is due to some specific sustainability and cleantech related events I’ve been involved in, including the GreenXchange and the Austin Clean Energy Venture Summit. Also, it’s because I’m thrilled at the pace with which social media,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: New stimulus reports correct early errors

More than 131,000 progress reports on stimulus funding will be posted Friday on, the government’s stimulus-tracking Web site. Much of the data will include corrections to the first version of reports filed by fund recipients earlier this month. Several early reports overstated the number of jobs created or saved through the stimulus program, accordingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Selling government service

Happy Thursday! (Unless you’re the Yankees?) About 40 Obama administration officials, lawmakers, Hill staffers, employee organization heads, private sector leaders, good government types and academics met Wednesday in Washington to have a frank, off-the-record conversation about the federal government’s recruitment and hiring process. “It was an invitee-only, off-the-record session that participants described as a candidRead… Read more »

GOSCON DC! Hear DoD D/CIO Wennergren discuss Open Source Guiandance Memo + Dive Deeper into Gov2.0

It’s a week of happy coincidences for the Government Open Source Conference (GOSCON), where we’re very happy to share the latest news coming up for our November 5 event. First up – David Wennergren, Deputy CIO of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), will deliver GOSCON DC’s opening keynote. During his morning keynote address titled,Read… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 1 – Organizational Culture

One of the key items to consider when developing a social media policy is the value that the organization’s leadership places on the use of social media. This value system regarding social media will largely determine how the organization resolves issues with its employees’ use of social media. Broadly speaking, organizations can be divided basedRead… Read more »

The Commission’s Conferencing Center

The Commission’s Conferencing Center (CCC) has a total of 5 rooms. Facing the CCC, the one to the furthest on the right is called the Commission Meeting Room. It’s where the Chair and Commissioners meet to engage in what’s called official “Commission Meetings”; and it’s mostly full of huge furniture that comprise a seating/podium areaRead… Read more »

Getting it all to the Table

Most decision makers I’ve met in the Department of Defense appreciate having someone hand them good insight or solid context that pertains to a decision that they need to make – provided the insight or context comes in a timely manner. Getting information to a decision maker after the decision has been made can actuallyRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Helping the Timid Contributor

An email we see daily at Whorunsgov often comes from a reader suggesting an addition or change to a profile. While emails like this often mention valid changes, the reader could have made the change directly in the profile without informing us first. The strange part about these emails; after we suggest the readers makeRead… Read more »

What is Enterprise 2.0 – Amended

Previously posted at Enterprise 2.0 is the concept of working smarter, not harder in a more transparent work environment, independent of location, computer, or one person doing a specific job. It is a methodology of doing better business and it is one of our Core Competencies at Navstar. Navstar has the leading experts inRead… Read more »

How Cities Can Increase Data Security and Save Money (Hint: Ditch the Tape Drive)

by Sophicity At the end of April 2009, a computer hacker managed to steal over 8.2 million personal records from the State of Virginia’s Prescription Monitoring Program, containing information such as social security and driver’s license numbers. Along with the stolen data, the hacker reportedly erased all of the State’s database backups, leaving no wayRead… Read more »