GovLoop Project of the Week – GovLuv

1. What is GovLuv? GovLuv is a website that connects government representatives and citizens through Twitter. It illuminates the existing conversations and encourages a more productive two-way dialog. It is a project of and the Open Forum Foundation, and is freely available as a public service. 2. How did the idea of GovLuv comeRead… Read more »

How to BE a Government Consultant and Use Social Media: A Guide

As “Government 2.0” becomes more and more popular, especially here in the Washington area, there seem to be an increasing number of people calling themselves social media or “Gov 2.0” consultants. As such, I’ve also seen a small increase in the number of people who are only interested in hawking their wares because social mediaRead… Read more »

Money and how we burn it

I know things work as they do for the reasons they do. I realize that our current form of bureaucratic insanity is the result of centuries of careful, refined and deliberate progress. I accept that trying to alter the direction of how things are done is as effective as trying to hold back a hurricaneRead… Read more »

Three Laws of Open Public Servants

Note: This is a re-post from my blog that I wanted to share directly w/the Govloop community, your feedback is appreciated) 1. If you don’t act, you don’t exist 2. If you don’t share, you can’t engage 3. If you can’t act or share, you can’t empower Act, share and empower. That’s what we want,Read… Read more »

K-TOC and the public

Our project selection pilot outreach is (at last) up on K-TOC. It took about three weeks to get everything posted, so there’s no Ta-Da! moment, but October community traffic is up about 65 percent over August traffic. We might reach 2,000 unique visitors this month, which would be a record for us. A more detailedRead… Read more »

Tax Credit for Adding Staff — The Answer to Job Creation?

Looks like there’s been talk again in the last couple of weeks to implement a strategy used by the Carter administration in the late 1970’s — offer employers a tax credit for each full-time hire they make! Evidently there’s more than one proposal which are getting bipartisan support in Congress. Probably due to the factRead… Read more »

Inclusion – a brand value to be proud of

The rapid growth, availability and promotion of Web 2.0 services is making organisations in both the public and private sectors rethink their internal and external communication strategies, both on and offline. Any discussions with peers and colleagues will quickly reveal that broadcast only communications are no longer acceptable. When organisations first became bold enough toRead… Read more »

Civil Service 2.0: You Won’t Need a Resume?

From – In the social media world, one of the big new pitches is that in the wonderful new reputation economy, you won’t need a resume. Potential business partners will find you on Google or a networking site, read your great bio, do a little independent noodling around into your background and decide toRead… Read more »