When Failure is our Best Option

Reposted from original at openNASA.com You’ve heard it many times before, “Failure is not an option.” When Gene Kranz uttered this line in reference to Apollo 13, he was absolutely right. At that moment it was imperative that the team succeed in bringing the crew home safely. If you’ve ever seen the movie Apollo 13,Read… Read more »

Veterans Day 2009

Here we are again at Veterans Day 2009. I want to extend my best wishes to my fellow Veterans. I am very proud of my twenty years of selfless service, sacrifice and dedication as a soldier. I hope you other Veterans out in cyberspace feel the same way. I only allow myself to feel thisRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Moderating Contributions

A few weeks ago, a member of the Whorunsgov community contributed some valuable information to the profile of Douglas Evans Coe, a leader in “The Fellowship.” This contributor did a great thing by trying to help us all know more about Mr. Coe, and even provided a source. But there was one problem: The sourceRead… Read more »

Flash and the iPhone?

Cross posted from JustAGovy So here’s a completely random thought. I happening to catch an article about the new message Adobe presents on it’s site when you visit it from an iPhone. Yes, seems Adobe is a bit ticked off at Apple…still. But what if there’s a good reason Apple isn’t moving on the additionRead… Read more »

The point of 2.0 isn’t ROI, or is it?

There is a lot’s of discussion going around about Web 2.0 return on investment. On the Gov 2.0 side, Citizen’s Tools’ A better question than what’s the business case for Gov2.0…makes a simple, but powerful statement about making the business case “tell us about your agency’s relationships, and the case will become obvious.” He thenRead… Read more »

Plain Language: the Key to Serving Citizens

I was an English major in college. My mom was an English teacher. All my life, I’ve valued words; and I always have believed that you communicate only when you choose the right words and put them in the right order. So from the day I became HUD’s web manager, my number one personal goalRead… Read more »

Sorry, Can’t Hear You… There’s an Elephant in the Room

A trade summit with China last week neglected to address the most pressing trade problem facing our two nations head on: how to resolve the conflict surrounding the US’ tariff on Chinese-manufactured car tires, which (of course) is linked to their hitting us with a similar tariff on chickens. There’s nothing to do but escalateRead… Read more »

Are You a Government Contractor?

If you are, I would like to invite you to join TFCN (The Federal Contractor Network). The address is http://www.tfcn.us TFCN has over 20,000 members, 20 LinkedIn groups, industrial-grade Job Board, Business Directory and much, much more. I look forward to seeing you on TFCN! – Alex George TFCN Creator

Veteran’s Day

A friend wished me a “Happy Veteran’s Day” at 1201 this morning. He was the first to send such a wish in my direction this year. A fellow veteran, I replied “Happy Veteran’s Day” back, but somehow the word “Happy” just doesn’t feel like it belongs. Maybe it’s the rain and clouds this morning. MaybeRead… Read more »

Federal News Radio Honors Vets on Veterans Day

Federal News Radio has a great lineup of guests today to honor the nation’s veterans. First, we got the chance to speak with Army Secretary McHugh before the memorial held yesterday at Fort Hood. He discussed with us the internal investigation going on to determine how this horrible incident occurred. To read the full story,Read… Read more »