Here Comes Everybody

At the Gov 2.0 Summit in Washington DC this past September, I had the opportunity to hear Clay Shirky speak about the way social media is changing societal behaviors. I was so enamored with his talk that I went out and bought his book: Here Comes Everybody, and wrote a blog post about it onRead… Read more »

Transparency – what’s the end?

In an October 9th article in the New Republic, Lawrence Lessig authored an important critique of the transparency movement. Primarily asking the questions – transparency is all fine and good, but what is the end? Lessig’s article and a related article by Jill Lepore in The New Yorker point out that the rush to transparencyRead… Read more » Contest ends Wednesday! Re-branding web urls for Gov’t agencies

Al Kamen, Washington Post “In the Loop” columnist, is running a fun and thought-provoking Gov 2.0 contest via his WaPo column. He’s asking readers to submit memorable, succinct, humorous-yet-accurate alternate web urls for Gov’t agencies, such as for the CIA. Here are Al’s comments and instructions: What-Dot-Gov? Don’t forget to enter the Loop rebrandingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Do We Need Columbus Day?

Happy Monday! Most federal employees will spend Monday away from the office, celebrating the seventh of ten federal holidays they enjoy each year. But Conor Dougherty and Sudeep Reddy of the Wall Street Journal wonder if the holiday is on the outs: In California, Columbus Day is one of two unpaid holidays getting blown awayRead… Read more »

Happy Columbus Day – Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – College Football National Championship Picture and Selected Week 6 Picks

Happy Columbus Day!! Yikes, the Hokie Guru’s been busy over the last couple of weeks… he just got admitted to the Georgetown University Executive Master of Policy Management Program… it’s a program that is specifically set up for federal government inspector general employees. If you don’t know, the federal government inspector general is essentially theRead… Read more »

3 Ways to Save Money on Municipal IT Energy Costs

by Sophicity When a municipality is tasked with reducing operating costs, one often overlooked area is energy use in the IT infrastructure. With energy prices on the rise, an increasingly taxed power grid and growing public concern over efficiency, new technologies and approaches to the way IT operates can lead to a dramatic reduction inRead… Read more »

The road to Malmö: government reform from the bottom up

As I had noted before, I participated in a Brussels workshop (March 2009) called Public Services 2.0 that left a small legacy: a group of people – just a couple of dozens, from all over the planet, rallied around David Osimo and Paul Johnston. This group has the knowledge and the stamina to try andRead… Read more »