‘Common look and feel’, rationalisation and egov success

Public Sector Forums (PSF)’s Ian Cuddy reports that Worcestershire’s councils have gone with a ‘common look and feel’ policy (aka ‘standardised’). In the Twitter conversation it’s been pointed out that the common design fails some standards and a link to a policy document explaining what they’ve done in detail hasn’t yet been found (Cuddy isRead… Read more »

Text still rules

This is a really excellent reminder of a web basic, which is unfortunately often forgotten as websites add and add and add and in the process become bloated. “Think of your Web audience as lazy, selfish and ruthless,” said Michael Gold, West Gold Editorial principal quoting usability guru Jakob Nielsen’s apt description of today’s impatient,Read… Read more »

Public Sector Reform in Australia

Our Federal Government recently announced the creation of an Advisory Group on the Reform of Australian Government Administration As part of what we are trying to do here with OZloop I have provided them with a submission. Feel free to download and read. The submission contains personal statements from myself and my fantastic colleagues KylieRead… Read more »

New From OST: FREE 19-Page Report: Growing Business with the Government Using an Opportunity Pipeline that Works!

In addition to OST’s Ezine “Turbo-Charging Business Growth” we are now offering a FREE report. This report is based on copious notes taken during the September 16th Association of Proposal Management Professionals Roundtable, where small, medium, and large-tier businesses provided valuable insight into developing and managing a successful business opportunity pipeline. To get the FREERead… Read more »

Our Reaction to Obama’s Nobel Prize

Almost as soon as the Nobel Peace Prize recipient was announced this morning reactions started pouring into news outlets. Obviously spokesmen for nations on the “outs” with the United States were of a kind. Gabriela Ramírez of Venezuela ridiculed it. So did Khaled Al-Batsh of Islamic Jihad in Gaza. Surprisingly though several Americans were alsoRead… Read more »

You Lie 2.0

You Lie 2.0: How disrespect can get you thousands of new friends and a million dollars At first, Congressman Joe Wilson’s outburst during President Obama’s health-care address looked like a career killer. Members of both parties blasted him for his dramatic breech of decorum, and most Americans, regardless of ideology, reacted with disgust. But theRead… Read more »