I’m at a “local consultation” meeting for transportation stakeholders in NE Kansas.

Like a social media tsunami, I’m live-tweeting the meeting, blogging at K-TOC and blogging here. (I can afford to do so because our meeting has split into small breakout sessions, and plopping into those sessions with my laptop–“Hi! I’m here to transmit your words to the whole world!”–strikes me as being a bit of aRead… Read more »

NSPS Article Q: Is it really dead?

Washington Post October 8, 2009 Pg. 27 Federal Diary Pay-For-Performance Program Gets The Boot By Ed O’Keefe Christmas came early for some federal employees and their unions Wednesday as lawmakers delivered one of the biggest items on their wish list, repealing a controversial pay-for-performance program. The repeal of the National Security Personnel System came asRead… Read more »

Insourcing: Headache for the Ins and the Outs

www.fedinsider.com Is the Defense Department poaching brigades worth of contractor employees in a bid to pull back work from contracted services? No, but the so-called insourcing question hasn’t received a full enough airing in the greater IT community. Presuming Daniel I. Gordon is confirmed as administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, insourcing-outsourcing wouldRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency

The need to focus on efficiency is economics and physics. Economics: because every organization has limited resources (even in the best of times), and to be efficient is to utilize those resources to maximize goods and services. Physics: because a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Without a focus on changing what weRead… Read more »

DMTF Incubator

The DMTF Standards Incubation process enables like-minded DMTF members to work together to produce informational specifications that can later be fast-tracked through the standards development process. The incubation process is designed to foster and expedite open, collaborative, exploratory technical work that complements the DMTF mission to lead the development, adoption and promotion of interoperable managementRead… Read more »

Cloud Standards Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki site for Cloud Standards Coordination. The goal of this wiki is to document the activities of the various SDOs working on Cloud standards. Welcome to the Cloud Standards Wiki

Federal Eye: Defense Authorization Bill Repeals NSPS

Federal employees and their unions should remember Oct. 7, 2009: It’s the day they got to cross several items off their wish list. The conference committee working on a compromise version of the Defense authorization bill (pdf) delivered several long-sought reforms impacting current and former federal employees, their salaries and the way the government measuresRead… Read more »

Jazzed About Network Consolidation: A Simple Solution to Cutting Municipal IT Costs

by Tim Verras, Director of Marketing and Customer Experience for Sophicity The great jazz bassist and composer Charles Mingus once said, “Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity.” When it comes to IT administration, there are plenty of opportunities to make things unnecessarily complex, especially with the sheerRead… Read more »