10 Inspirational Movies for Government Leaders
This list of movies is a must-see for govies!
This list of movies is a must-see for govies!
A boss once said in a meeting that “It is your job if it needs to get done, maybe not explicitly but if this team needs this — it is your job to make sure it happens.” Can you step outside of your role and do what it takes to make your team successful?
How can a leader start down the path of becoming a challenger? Our research showed that it starts with a very simple question every leader should consider: “What hard thing is my team capable of?”
There is no doubt that this is a crisis; a true state of emergency. Lots is being done, but there is room to do more. We need to put a face to this crisis.
How you can start 2018 in a positive light and keep your staff moving forward.
Stocks slipped this week as the Senate put out their version of the tax bill which had a few significant contrasts with the House version.
What can we learn from the architect, Jean-Pierre Houdin? A lesson in conviction.
Content is called king for a reason. Make sure the internet can see your actual content, not just a link.
GSA prides itself on delivering mission critical IT solutions that make a meaningful difference to the agencies we support and the citizens that count on them.
In the uphill struggle for more data-driven governance, the insider’s best resource might just be experience, expertise and methods that have been developed outside of government.