E-Verify announces photo matching tool for Designated Agents

On October 2nd, E-Verify announced that the photo matching tool will be made available for Designated Agents in late 2009. The photo matching process, also known as the photo screening tool, is an automated step in the E-Verify system which prompts you to compare an employee’s DHS-issued photo document (presented during the I-9 process) withRead… Read more »

We Need Your Vote – New Conference City!

The Advanced Learning Institute Needs Your Vote! Help us choose the best city to host our next Social Media for Government – March 22-25, 2010. Please choose ONE city from these choices: Phoenix, Dallas or Atlanta. Which one is the most accessible and has a wider government draw? Please post your choice on the SocialRead… Read more »

Just Take the Phone of the Hook

I suspect that by now you might consider me a pestiferous force of persuasive ideas and all. But for sure, since you couldn’t even hook me up with a job anywhere on the Hill (which would be way cool and would give me no doubt a better image in the minds of my conservative friends-Read… Read more »

LEADERSHIP LESSON: What’s standing in the way?

There has been a continuous debate going on about the value of a leader’s ability to inspire others. There is a leadership skill that brings out the best out in people — guiding the individual to find within himself or herself the gifts to contribute in new ways — gifts that resided within them allRead… Read more »

Turning Point, or Buying Opp?

Good morning! It’s your govloop weekly dose of TSP Talk. This market commentary is updated daily on www.tsptalk.com. Stock opened sharply lower on Friday after a weaker than expected jobs report, but quickly found its footing and spent the rest of the day trying to recover. The TSP stock funds were down 0.45% to 0.75%Read… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: The Federal Register Relaunched

Happy Monday! It’s an important day for lawyers, lobbyists, librarians, good government groups, Gov 2.0 junkies and citizens concerned about the business of the executive branch, because the White House, National Archives and Government Printing Office relaunch the online version of the Federal Register today in XML format at Data.gov. The “defacto newspaper of theRead… Read more »


Thanks to Mike Seccombe at the Vineyard Gazette Online I learned a new word. Gerontocracy: government by old men. As the children have grown and my wife and I have done a bit more traveling, I sometimes look in local papers for meetings that sound interesting. It does not matter where I go I findRead… Read more »