How do we harvest the most utility from our intellectual capital?

I try to understand things from the perspective of an alien scientist studying our planet. It just seems so bizarrely ironic that our greatest fear seems to be exploitation from someone else and how it shapes everything about us. It’s obvious why this is the case–we’re best described as creatures designed to outwit and exploitRead… Read more »

Capitol Circle is now live!

Capitol Circle is now live. It’s a “Bloomberg for politics” concept that aggregates twitter, RSS, and the web to deliver real-time political news as it breaks across the Internet. It’s searchable and filterable as well. Please let me know what you think of the site, I’m looking for feedback to iterate the product and takeRead… Read more »

Culture of Service in Government

Is your agency or department interested in enhancing their “Culture of Service?” I can help. After 20 years in government, 12 in customer service specifically, I’ve gone out on my own. I’m offering my proven system “Six Essentials to Building a Culture of Service” to government agencies around the Country. I’m currently writing a newRead… Read more »

Resilient and Engaged, DHS Charts a Path Forward

TodayYesterday, I had the pleasure of participating in a Department of Homeland Security Blogger Round Table—an extension of the National Dialogue on the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review occurring online right now. The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) is a congressionally mandated review of homeland security. The outcome of the review is a final report dueRead… Read more »

Live Webcast: Media as Global Diplomat II – New Findings on the Science of Media & Conflict

Today the Washington, DC-based United States Institute of Peace (USIP) will host a symposium and live webcast on the impact of New media Now media on global conflict resolution. * Are social media tools and technologies at the core of statecraft in the 21st century? * What do new research findings suggest is the impactRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Fiscally, Physically Fit at OMB

It’s day one of Fiscal Year 2010 (woohoo!) but the White House is already thinking about Fiscal Year 2011. As of last night, the Office of Management and Budget had received 10,266 cost-saving ideas from federal employees hoping to win the first Save Award. The winner gets a meet-and-greet with President Obama and their ideaRead… Read more »

With New Fiscal Year Comes New OMB Guidance

From The Acquisition Corner As Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 is now underway, The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will be ramping up its guidance on improving acquisition outcomes, which includes a broad section of areas to include competition, contract types, workforce, outsourcing, and acquisition practices. I will be covering theses issues in more depthRead… Read more »

Government Business Intelligence

Posted at Internet Evolution: The Case for Unique BI Criteria for Government Users Is there such a thing as “Government BI,” a distinct species of business intelligence that responds to special government requirements? If not, should there be? And what could it teach us about BI in general? A look at systems that use BIRead… Read more »