Englewood, CO hosts a regional training conference, Oct. 26 – 29

The City of Englewood is excited to host a 4-day learning and networking event for public sector employees in the Denver metro region. Check out this line-up: Keynote speakers include: Debra Fine, author of “The Fine Art of Small Talk” and “The Fine Art of the Big Talk” Craig Zablocki, motivational speaker, author and humoristRead… Read more »

Third round of strategy dialogue for Homeland Security’s Quadrennial Review

Do you have opinions about the Transportation Security Administration? TSA’s boss, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of DHS, would like to hear from you. Or maybe immigration is your passion, or disaster recovery — she’s listening. In its continuing robust Gov2.0 process with the public, Homeland Security this week launched its third and final online dialogue concerningRead… Read more »

An Awesome Interview with the Founder of GovLoop, Steve Ressler

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” As announced this morning, GovLoop, the premier social network for the government community, has joined forces with GovDelivery, the world’s leading provider of government-to-citizen communications solutions. Steve Ressler, the founder of GovLoop, will be leaving his day job with the Department of Homeland Security,Read… Read more »

Why Persistent Perseverance Can Be a Waste of Time

If you’re reading this post, you’re likely a student of leadership (and good for you!) You have no doubt read about the importance of perseverance and persistence in being successful. The problem is this: Perseverance can be an enormous waste of time, especially if you are persistent at it. The mantra of authors and speakersRead… Read more »

Training Employees – Hours Consumed by Employees

Last week I saw some statistics on Training. Unfortunately, these statistics summarized changes that have been taking place in the private sector. No mention of Government! … although, the statistics were intriguing nonetheless (check out the attachment). Working in state government and dealing with budget problems which many states seem to be facing, I wasRead… Read more »

Relaunched Recovery.gov Fails Accessibility Standards

Recovery.gov, a showcase government-transparency Web site that relaunched on Monday, fails to meet U.S. federal government Section 508 accessibility standards and accessibility best practices. The non-compliance issues relate to display of data tables — an essential point given the site’s promise of “Data, Data & More Data” — despite on-site compliance claims. Other elements includingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Congressional Health Benefits Could Soon Change

Senators debating health-care reform legislation have unanimously approved a proposal requiring members of Congress and their staffs to obtain health insurance through new state-based purchasing exchanges set up by the health-care reform bill under consideration. Lawmakers and their staffs could no longer buy health insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program beginning in 2013Read… Read more »