Managing the “Graying” of Municipal IT Staff

by Tim Verras, Sophicity The looming retirement of the Baby Boomer Generation is a concern on the horizon for municipal IT managers. Staff with decades of experience in the technologies and processes crucial to the municipality’s operations will be handing over positions to middle or entry level employees. The question for IT managers becomes: HowRead… Read more »

The Limitations of More with Less

Undoubtedly you’ve heard the mantra that we need to do more with less. You may have even used this phrase yourself as a kind of short-hand for some wider/more complicated explanation or justification. The problem with that phrase is it’s become so generic it can mean almost anything to anyone. Read: We need to doRead… Read more »

Guts and Ingenuity

Candidates for election will do anything, at times, to get noticed. Royal Barber of Sylvania Township in Ohio came up with an idea I would have never thought of. He placed the names of his rivals for the township trustee position on Halloween tombstones in his yard. Naturally, one of his opponents did not findRead… Read more »

What if the rules were re-written to compel the minority party to run the Ethics Committees?

In the real world, few Sheriffs police the general populace. Logic would contend that the few could/should be empowered to police the many. An incomplete thought but worth thinking about in light of all the hype the media gives to wayward MoC’s that rarely results in official Congressional sanction by Standards of Conduct. Comments welcomeRead… Read more »

Mainframe Disaster Recovery without Tapes

Dave Race, from Govplace, recently blogged about “Mainframe Disaster Recovery without Tape”. It’s an interesting post from someone with hands on experience and knowledge. I understand that mainframe clients are struggling with the cost of protecting and recovering their mainframe data. Is anyone challenged with this issue? Here is the original blog post from DaveRead… Read more »

I’m at a “local consultation” meeting for transportation stakeholders in NE Kansas.

Like a social media tsunami, I’m live-tweeting the meeting, blogging at K-TOC and blogging here. (I can afford to do so because our meeting has split into small breakout sessions, and plopping into those sessions with my laptop–“Hi! I’m here to transmit your words to the whole world!”–strikes me as being a bit of aRead… Read more »