How our segregated neighborhoods reflect our segregated workplaces

PBS produced a documentary with a corresponding website titiled,”Race: The Power of an Illusion”. This documentary details all the major issues surrounding race, it’s legacy, it’s origination, and the discrimination and predjudice that still exists today as a result of racial bigotry. The current atmosphere in today’s business world is that the isms (racism, sexism,Read… Read more »

Great DHS SOA/ESB/NIEM Topic to Follow at the Upcoming NIEM Training Event

Look for this very important NIEM topic at the upcoming NIEM Training event: “Implementing NIEM as a Canonical Model for Information Sharing at DHS/USCIS”. This presentation will be given by Hector Alicea, HLA & Associates, LLC ( ) on behalf of DHS USCIS… From the NIEM Training Event agenda ( ): “This presentationRead… Read more »

OPM Hiring Reforms S 736

And it moves foward… from Gov exec Budget office predicts hiring reforms would cost $40 million By Alex M. Parker August 27, 2009 The Congressional Budget Office estimates federal hiring reforms would cost about $40 million over the next five years — a bargain, according to supporters. “It sounds like we could easily get aRead… Read more »

Dispatches from the Graduate School’s Executive Potential Program

The Graduate School’s Executive Potential Program is a year-long Leadership Development Program for GS13-15s. As part of the program, participants must do two 60-day developmental assignments as well as conduct a series of interviews with Senior Executives. Needless to say, with 135 participants enrolled, there are some fantastic assignments and networking encounters that take placeRead… Read more »

Did you know? The Federal Job Numbers

Originally posted to Unleash the Monster By Monster Government Solutions Team While the country has been faced with the highest unemployment numbers in over two decades, the federal government is currently struggling to fill jobs with qualified candidates. According to our numbers at Monster, agencies using Monster Hiring Management posted 234,144 vacancies across 36 federalRead… Read more »

X-Prize winners, heros, and setting up Gov2.0 prizes / challenges – livingblogging #pfgov conference

John Shore, Senior Director, PIA X-Prize X-Prize Foundation Mission: To bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity Some thoughts on best practices for running a prize or challenge to solve a problem, meet a need. Hallmark attributes of large incentive prize competitions High Leverage Efficiency Encourage industry development Donate to a non-profitRead… Read more »

USAID Gov20 Challenge – 6 lessons learned – Liveblogging the conference

Carol Grigsby, Deputy Director, USAID Development 2.0 Challenge Six Lessons Learned 1. A challenge process will be less than comfortable for many US agencies the first time, will encounter some internal resistance 2. Choosing a challenge implementer — stipulate all expectations regarding working relationship, deliverables, etc., and choose and organization with an established community ofRead… Read more »