State Dept: Liveblogging Public Diplomacy / Gov 2.0 Innovation Dr Jonathan Margolis

Dr. Jonathan Margolis, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gov 2.0 Innovation / Public Diplomacy Mission: Engage, inform and influence foreign audiences in discussions about topics that are central to US interests. How will we use Web 2.0 tools and technologies to achieve this mission? One solution follows: Democracy video challenge: Challenge young filmmakers, democracy advocatesRead… Read more »

States Brace for Upcoming Stimulus Deadline

Posted Originally to Bright Side of Government By Kristin Bockius, State & Local Government Social Media Marketing Manager Federal budget watchdogs and other observers know that agencies historically have reported the performance results for their spending and programs at the end of each fiscal year as required by the Government Performance and Results Act. InRead… Read more »

New Research: Good Gov’t Websites Lead to Trust in Gov

The hot new thing in government is open government, transparency, collaboration, participation . . . watch how often you see those words in memos and news conferences and government tweets. At ForeSee Results, we study how effectively government websites (and private sector sites) are satisfying citizens and how that satisfaction leads to return visits, loyalty,Read… Read more »

Crazy Crazy UNproductive day!

Oh what a bad day! Let’s see. First I almost was hit by a crazy truck driver who wanted to move back and forth between lanes in rush hour traffic. (I really need to telework) Then I get to work and my CAC pin does not work. Now let’s examine this for a moment. ItRead… Read more »

Freedom Of Information Act – does the current FOIA Law benefit your office?

Hafa Adai Fellow GovLoopers! It’s been a while since I last blogged (more like vented) here in GovLoop, so here goes nothing! On Guam, a bill – Bill No. B215-30 (LS) – FOIA update.pdf – was introduced by one of our local senators – Senator Ray Tenorio (R) – regarding updates to the local versionRead… Read more »

What Does Government 2.0 Mean To You? (Tell us! Call for video response is open!)

Republished from O’Reilly Radar Blog Post by Tim O’Reilly Original post can be found here As many of you know, I’ve built a new conference, Gov 2.0 Summit, around the idea of the government as platform: how can government design programs to be generative, to use Zittrain’s phrase? How do we get beyond the ideaRead… Read more »

Aristotle is Facebook for Geeks (live-blogging at the Gov20 symposium in DC)

Dr. Joel C. Sercel, President and Founder, ICS Associates Aristotle is facebook for geeks, by and For DoD scientists and engineers (Applied Minds) 7 habits of highly effective Web/Gov 2.0 Enterprises More beta! Know your user base Active outreach — PR and marketing — is crucial for gov20 Active gardening (cleaning out the weeds andRead… Read more »

State Dept: Liveblogging eDiplomacy at Gov20 symposium

Dan Sheerin, Deputy Director, eDiplomacy Office, US Dept of State Lessons learned from Diplopedia and Communities @ State One thing we’re doing: Bring diplomats into the IT decision-making process Online collaboration / crowdsourcing tool — the “Secretary’s Inbox” — for suggestions and ideas for Secretary of State Clinton. How do we use technology in thisRead… Read more »

Jack Holt, DoD New Media Live-blogging from the Gov20 symposium

Jack Holt, Department of Defense, Sr. Strategist for New Media Use of social media as leadership. President’s call for open, transparent, collaborative government. The core of my job is to get people to think differently. Think differently about what we’re doing, how we’re doing, etc. First high speed network? Hard surface Roman roads. Public roadsRead… Read more »