Federal Eye: Obama Targets Backlog Of Veterans’ Claims

The Obama administration is calling once again on federal employees to submit ideas on improving government services. This time, it is targeting the amount of time and effort it takes to process veterans’ disability benefits. The number of unresolved disability claims has soared this year, prompting protests from veterans groups and members of Congress. TheRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Can Obama Order Federal Furloughs?

Chicago shut down most city offices on Monday in an effort to save more than $8 million by year’s end amid the economic slowdown. Mayor Richard M. Daley has made several cuts to the city budget and has forced himself and some city workers to take a 15-day pay cut. In doing so, he recentlyRead… Read more »

Countdown to End of Fiscal Year

And here it comes …. the end of year push. This is the real fun part of the year. This is when everyone, on the financial side of the government, lives off of coffee, doughnuts, and pizza. 🙂 And somehow, for two months, we live with only 4 hours of sleep everynight (if that much).Read… Read more »

6 IT trends government IT managers should be wary of — Government Computer News

Interesting editorial: http://tinyurl.com/p2n4pe I say “editorial” because it’s very much an (albeit educated) opinion of the author (Michael Daconta), and I’m not sure I agree with all of it. I guess I’m usually more of a mind to make these new ideas work in a government environment rather than saying a given technology is “tooRead… Read more »

Bull market? Then sentiment may not be too bullish

Good morning! It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. This market commentary is updated daily on www.tsptalk.com. Stocks dropped sharply on Friday after a weaker than expected Consumer Confidence report, but there was some late buying. The TSP stock funds lost between 0.5% and 1.5% on the day, while bonds were up slightly. The MichiganRead… Read more »

Web File size

As we talked about earlier I wanted to follow up with an email. We as DIT, want to keep the bandwidth and storage as low as possible because that is an easy way to save money. But we want to give great quality of service to our customers. To accomplish all of those goals itRead… Read more »